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spoiler alert!

but aiyah, the plot is so unsophisticated i think spoiler also nevermind; you won't miss out on much anyway.

the "crack crack crack" weirdo sound that comes out during transformation reeks of nostalgia.

adapting a cartoon into a movie is understandably difficult, especially for one involving such difficult-to-depict-in-real-life motions like transforming.

starscream the f22 fighter jet transforming between his 2 forms in midair was way cool.

bumblebee using radio to speak is damn cute.

the autobots hiding themselves was hilarious; especially when they all tried to camouflage themselves by morphing into their vehicular form, in the garden. stupidly entertaining.

"the parents are irritating. shall we decimate them?"

mojo pees on ironhide's feet and ironhide nearly kills him as he thinks his feet are going to rust.

i think that was the most enjoyable part of the movie, but the tragic reality is that transformers is not supposed to be a comedy. (or is it?)

the plot was too complex, in my humble opinion. the target audience are probably kids and long-time fans; the former won't understand the story; the latter will probably not appreciate the weird twists.

megatron wasn't stylo at all and i think the only cool feat he managed to pull off was ripping jazz apart so effortlessly. (was that even jazz? see, the plot quite hard to follow!)

the way megatron died was also extremely wtf.

and it's also very cute that the cube that sector seven was storing in this huge place all along, could suddenly miraculously be transformed into a tiny object for logistical cinematic purposes, so that the guy can later insert it into megatron's chest to kill him. (?!)


okay maybe i'm being critical. (eh but review also gave 2 stars nia.)

but i think if they ain't gonna focus on the plot and want to concentrate on the action instead, which is plausible by the way, they should at least have a more easy-to-understand plot wad. i think the whole flow was a complex mess.

one solution i propose is to give up on understanding the story from the start and focus on the fun and aesthetics.

the babe was hot too.

but then again, this is the kind of movie that you can enjoy to the max only in a cinema lah, so just go and watch lah, since the whole world is going to watch as well.

purchasing the tickets was an adventure because they were selling so damn fast. i think i will never catch a hot movie on a weekend ever again; expensive, lousy seats, and long q-ing time; we sat on the third row, and my neck was very suan indeed.

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