those stories you hear about mooncakes and chang e and hou yi, are but myths!
let me tell you the real story behind the origin of mooncakes!
once upon a time...
in the faraway land of cblc...
the evil overlord mr beanz...
shot out a poisonous arrow to his minions! those who kena, must make mooncakes for mooncake festival!
alas, good doesn't always prevail over evil, and we all kena...
so i tried to cast a spell on it.
let me tell you the real story behind the origin of mooncakes!
once upon a time...
in the faraway land of cblc...
the evil overlord mr beanz...
shot out a poisonous arrow to his minions! those who kena, must make mooncakes for mooncake festival!
alas, good doesn't always prevail over evil, and we all kena...
unfortunately, the ingredient is alive! it becomes pissed off at me for trying to cast a spell on it, so it became very upset.
it's pretty much confirmed.
we are going for work and travel!
going to yellow stone national park, in wyoming.
cool balls.
my mum's saying grow so big never step out of singapore before (m'sia not considered of course), now first time chee tao all the way fly to the united states of america, wu siao bo.
but it's cool lah, there's wildlife there and stuff; imagine being able to see wolves and coyotes and lions and bears roaming about!
really! i didn't make that up; it's written in the brochures that these animals breed there. and we're planning to buy a car while over there.
and it'll be damn chilly when we reach; so we probably have to get winter clothing as well. see snow!
and depending on the budget and timing, we might even go watch nba! in real life!!
and then go san francisco to visit the googleplex!
three meals will be provided at the place we work at.
all three meals buffet!
song bo! come back sure fat one.
and can really not hafta worry about much over there.. once we knock off, there's no homework, no exams, no nothing.
can just go see geysers.. explore yellow stone by bike.. see wildlife.. or read books, slack.. take a walk.. sit by the fireplace and talk.. and things like that.
and there's wireless connection too!
we are going for work and travel!
going to yellow stone national park, in wyoming.
cool balls.
my mum's saying grow so big never step out of singapore before (m'sia not considered of course), now first time chee tao all the way fly to the united states of america, wu siao bo.
but it's cool lah, there's wildlife there and stuff; imagine being able to see wolves and coyotes and lions and bears roaming about!
really! i didn't make that up; it's written in the brochures that these animals breed there. and we're planning to buy a car while over there.
and it'll be damn chilly when we reach; so we probably have to get winter clothing as well. see snow!
and depending on the budget and timing, we might even go watch nba! in real life!!
and then go san francisco to visit the googleplex!
three meals will be provided at the place we work at.
all three meals buffet!
song bo! come back sure fat one.
and can really not hafta worry about much over there.. once we knock off, there's no homework, no exams, no nothing.
can just go see geysers.. explore yellow stone by bike.. see wildlife.. or read books, slack.. take a walk.. sit by the fireplace and talk.. and things like that.
and there's wireless connection too!
it's been a long long time.
the purpose of this post is to introduce a new member of the family.
he's been with me for like 2 years. he's been a loyal gateway to my slacking getaways and countless hours of work and fun.
we've been through thick and thin.
disgusting lab reports late into the night. non-stop dota sessions. my first writing assignments. my first significant online income.
watch movie damn shiok.
at the expense of having to lug a juggernaut of a laptop around.
my getting irritating with you for lagging like a lao ah pek.
my horror when you show that blue face of death.
you grew old.
3 hard disk changes, 2 new motherboards.
it's been hard on you.
rest in peace.
a new laptop.
the purpose of this post is to introduce a new member of the family.
we've been through thick and thin.
disgusting lab reports late into the night. non-stop dota sessions. my first writing assignments. my first significant online income.
watch movie damn shiok.
at the expense of having to lug a juggernaut of a laptop around.
my horror when you show that blue face of death.
you grew old.
3 hard disk changes, 2 new motherboards.
it's been hard on you.
that trip to acer, i showed a black face.
papa must be right when he says i can look damn fierce if i want to.
because i probably did.
but then again, sometimes being fierce at the right times have certain unforseeable benefits.
for example.
papa must be right when he says i can look damn fierce if i want to.
because i probably did.
but then again, sometimes being fierce at the right times have certain unforseeable benefits.
for example.
my old laptop was precious, but i can't help adoring this new one. same enormous size, but bigger hard disk, comes with web cam, just nice for work and travel, has vista, and core two duo.
this incident probably reinforces other people's opinions that acer sucks, but i'm still of the belief that it's natural for laptops to die. i don't love acer; laptops are just laptops. i don't see why some people condemn it to hell.
this incident probably reinforces other people's opinions that acer sucks, but i'm still of the belief that it's natural for laptops to die. i don't love acer; laptops are just laptops. i don't see why some people condemn it to hell.