approaching the end of life as a student
0 Comments Published by kang on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 7:52 PM.

and yes, the flooble chatterbox has finally died.
i've managed to stay inactive enough to not realize that it was dyING.
i shall revive it when i decide to post more actively :)
final fyp presentation just ended last monday!
i basically told everyone that i was a FREE MAN and i would be damn free from then on and i will steal all the duties in the entire world so i was kind of sad when i kind of thought about it and realized i still have..
1) 2 x exams in 2 weeks' time
2) fyp bounded thesis to submit
3) a job to find
4) my current work
5) 1 x term paper due tomorrow
actually i'm not that free yet afterall geez.
oh well, free-ER i guess.
i have finally started winning some $$ in mahjong! the curse of the tai sui on us dirty mice must finally be over.
after exams end on 2nd may, i'm unofficially no longer a student anymore.
rav4 is having HER final fyp presentation now.
i am hanging around near the room waiting for her to come out.
she is such a poor thing.
she is dressed in formal and high heels and so unlike her formal self.
she is so nervous.
her presentation started at 10:55 - 3 minutes ago, and her kena-shoot a.k.a q & a session starts 11:15.
and then it will all be over.
these days as stupid students sux big time, but i'm sure gonna miss school after i graduate!
yea, i probably won't miss the modules etc, but there's still quite abit of good stuff we could think about.
amitabha to rav4!
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