just a blog

engin and fashion.

was waiting for 151 with 2 girls. (strangers)

guy walks past.

happens to be friend of one of the girls, so they talk.

guy leaves. 2 girls start conversing.

girl 1: who's that?

girl 2: friend. *mumbles about some jap class thing*

girl 1: oh.

girl 2: why?

girl 1: what fac's he from?

girl 2: arts.

girl 1: whoa.

girl 2: why?

girl 1: from his clothing, i thought he's from engin or science.

*dagger stabs into kang kang's heart*

*kang kang turns*


stylo milo.

has fashion sense i suppose.


funky cape.

expose here expose there.


not very pretty. (understatement)

moral of the story:

fashion sense.

so what? :D

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