a voice of sanity in an insane world
0 Comments Published by kang on Saturday, October 11, 2008 at 11:02 PM.

been a subscriber to A Voice of Sanity for almost 2 years now.
robert ringer hits the nail right on the head with today's issue.
it's largely about the economic crisis he has predicted a long time ago, when positive and happy people are calling him a doom and gloom prophet.
but i think what he's saying about the rich-poor imbalance is especially relevant to singapore, where uncles sit in coffee shops all day cursing the government, bad-mouthing the rich, and wondering why they themselves are not getting anywhere in the financial sense.
"To further simplify things, let's boil it down to just two people. If one person had the skills, the intelligence, the knowledge, the work ethic, etc., to become far richer than another person, why in the world would he not continue to pull ahead of the person who lacks his skills, intelligence, knowledge, work ethic, etc.? Of course the disparity between the two is going to grow!
There's nothing "wrong" with that. It's simply a reality. But, guess what? The "rich" person's success does not in any way prevent the "poor" person from improving his lot in life if he should make up his mind to do so.
This is where the great euphemism for Marxism - pieism - enters the picture. When a Mad Mama McBama blathers about people giving up some of their pie so she and her Marxist cronies can give it to others of their choice, her words are based on the premise that the size of the pie is fixed. That premise has been so embarrassingly shattered by historic reality that I shall not even waste time on it here.
Today, the so-called poor are living better than their parents and grandparents could have ever imagined just forty or fifty years ago. And that's a good thing. I like the idea of everyone being better off, don't you? And if everyone would just concentrate on his or her own well-being and ignore "the gap between rich and poor," we'd all be much happier and politicians would be stripped of their most precious vote-getting ploy. I could care less about the wealth of a Bill Gates or a Warren Buffet."
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Kang's full-body armor (composed of an unidentified future metal) enables him to lift 5 tons; it can project a force field around him that is extendable up to twenty feet and can shield him from even a direct nuclear strike. The suit has its own self-contained atmosphere, food supply and waste disposal system. Its weapons include anti-graviton particle projectors in his gauntlets, concussive force blasters, circuitry accessing his ship's time machine, allowing him an "automatic recall" of a few seconds, and various other weapons. Kang formerly used technology which transferred his mind into an alternate body upon the point of death.
Courtesy of http://www.marvel.com/universe/Kang