just a blog


touched down last night.

maybe it's jet lag, but i feel wide awake at 4.58 am.

yellowstone was absolutely awesome.

some pics are already up at http://littlegetaway.multiply.com/

it has a grand total of ONE post, but quite afew pictures.

rav4 will upload all (or most) of the pics in due time i believe, simply because she is more disciplined than i am. (sometimes)

how nice that i'm back in time for national day.

you feel really patriotic when you come back to your own country after being away for 3 months.

and no, i've not really grown fat.

and i don't think i've shed weight either.

i think what's suffered the most in these past 3 months is my bank account.

i am now the proud owner of several (and i mean SEVERAL) branded consumer products that i have been simply too savvy to own prior to arriving at factory outlets in u.s.

this just goes to mean that i will have to work alot harder at earning moolah when the semester starts.

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