just a blog

The Mystery of the Weird Lady.

About one year ago, at MS, when I was with Wen Ting, this weird lady came running toward us and handed us each, a coupon and wanted us to go to the information counter for the lady to chop so as to take part in some lucky draw.

We were really puzzled by her actions and wondered if we were on "Gotcha!" or Candid Camera but being extremely benevolent souls, we abided by her wishes and proceeded towards the counter, while she hastily hid in one corner, seemingly afraid that the Flying Tiger Team would swoop in to arrest her for murdering puppies.

Fortunately, no such thing happened and if I do not remember wrongly, we accomplished our mission and ran back towards the mastermind with 2 packets of chrysanthemum tea; prizes of our victory.

I remembered heaving a sigh of relief as the kinda weird woman left happily with her newly found possessions, instead of having some cameraman show up and tell us were on TV or some shit like that.

Today, I was at Suntec with Hui Ting, when alas, the woman showed up again! I wonder if she was after delicious old men like me or she has a special liking towards females with 'Ting' in their names.

So as HT was trying to absorb it all, me, being the veteran of weirdo auntie attacks, cooly went ahead with operation "Rescue Auntie" and got her the prize of a $5 voucher.

As a bonus, we were also entitled to a lucky draw, which the auntie has very, very, very, generously (...) allowed us to participate in ourselves.

As she left, the seriousness of it all dawned on me. This is the beginning of a miraculous journey of fate.

Through the lucky draw, I would win like $1 million and go on to open the cafe of my dreams. I'd be so grateful to the auntie that I'd come back to Suntec to wait for her day and night.

One day, she does appear and tells me we were fated to meet, and it turns out that she's actually the mistress of Li Ka Shing, the owner of Suntec City (read: goddamn rich). Then she takes me as her godson and leaves me with a tremendous amount of wealth.

With so much money, I participate in alot of philanthropy and my dream cafe begins expanding and I have my own IPO and I start having branches all over the world.

Then one day her blood descendant, who has been extremely unfilial to the weird auntie, and thus, has not been left with a single cent, and has become a beggar, goes into my shop.

I realize he has eyes like his mother and I lead him back to the right path and we replace Bill Gates and Warren Buffet as the richest men in the world and I repay my debt to the Weird Auntie and shows the world that kind begets kind, and everyone lives together happily ever after.

And then I wonder again, wtf I am doing at 3.49 a.m. typing such a looney entry.

And I decide that my brain cells have been kind of damaged, probably due to perpetual lack of sleep, and to prevent myself from falling into mental deficit, I shall go and sleep now.

Good night!

1 Responses to “The Mystery of the Weird Lady.”

  1. # Blogger andreww

    hey kang,
    sorry to tell you, you should check which month it is.
    and the lady ya...
    she is....  

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