just a blog

My Alma Mater.

Where it all begins.

AES! A.k.a. Assumption English School, or All Eat Shit.

The security is damn tight now. And security guards are damn fierce weirdos.

He: Who y'all looking for?!
Us: Mrs Lee Ham.
He: No no no I need to know who y'all are looking for else I cannot let y'all in!
Us: Err.. Mrs Lee Ham.
He: I don't need to know your names, I just need to know the person y'all are looking for! (Smoke coming out of his ears)
Us: Ya lah, we're looking for Mrs Leeham, does any one of us look like we're called Mrs Leeham??

I wanted to add a "ta ma de" behind but realized that we have come in peace.

Leeham amazed the shit out of me by remembering all our names. Had quite a good time talking to her and ah Kam a.k.a my Xiao Long Nu (-_-;;) and talking about how we've been doing.

Ah Kam is getting more and more ah lian and pulls no punches and she made our beloved chairman look like some unwanted, hayless scarecrow, the way she worries that he'll never ever get married, hahaha!

And then we proceeded to visit the stupid 4/1 classroom where almost nothing has changed.

And then I took alot of pictures...

Ahh.. The place I learnt to play bball..

Retired rulers of the world.
(Chairman and carrot couldn't climb so high, hahaha!)

What an antique. I think the sit-and-reach station is damn stupid and redundant.

The gate we always use to bypass the General Office.
(When we're late)
Daily Source of Water.
The stupid board was there to prevent us from going up I think, but wth, what can they do to us.
From afar, I thought this place was an arcade. They now have POOL TABLES in school! Ah Beng culture is blossoming!
No shit, where we took our 'O' Levels!
Wah lau.. This used to be like my favorite spot. Eh Daphne, remember anot?? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Stupid STARS Program.

And then we went to the canteen.. And as chairman was busy looking for his name amongst the plaques in the prize glass shelves, holy mama, check out this cool shit!
Limpeh's trophy! (The tall one)
Okay lah, it was teamwork, but I was part of the team!
Di Yi Ming sia!!
I remember our classmates were there to support. Don't misunderstand me, they were FORCED to go. I think after the consolation prizes were announced and we didn't get anything, they were like, "hai, wan dan liao..."

Yeah, and the rest was history. I think this is like the first time AES bloody got a prize for academic stuff.

And then our juniors continued to do us proud by bagging the first prize 3 years in a row, I think.
And we got this Chang Sheng Bei, for consecutive victories, haha.

Well the notion of Assumption ENGLISH the pai kia school beating schools like Hwa Chong and erm, Bukit Panjang Govt High is damn wrong.
Yeah okok, they probably never even put in much effort, but still.

We're not just a neighbourhood school leh, we're a notorious neighbourhood school lor.

Oh well, notorious our reputation may be, we have wonderful teachers, and we're still uni kids, so screw rankings, screw reputation, and hail pai kia schools!

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