just a blog

43 things

What a cool concept. I kinda can't believe I spent the past hour or so to compile my "list" of 43 things!

43things also gives you some idea what people on the other side of the world are thinking. Some bloke has "reaching level 60 on world of warcraft" -_-;; And there is this girl who "wants to fall in love" who admits that it's hard to find a good man that's willing to love a girl with a child she had with another man.

It's quite fun and makes you reach into your inner being, makes you feel inspired, makes you want to cry, makes you cringe, makes you laugh, especially when you see what other people want to do or have done!

Some of the things I've listed are kinda mundane, some are resolutions, my dreams, my little goals, some serious and stern, some funky, some are my secret inner desires, and yes I admit, some are downright ludicrous.

I've even set 43things as my homepage and I hope this survives till 10 years later, as I can look back and laugh at myself, and maybe even have the mother of my son, or even plus my son, laugh together with me ;)

I've always said I'm a dreamer. And a Cancerian dreamer at that.

(In "xxx people", the "xxx" represents the number of people who has the "thing" as one of the 43.)
Wants to do 43 things (Re-order)

1. become a writer 233 people
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2. write a novel and get it published 194 people
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3. Fall Ridiculously and Wrecklessly, head-over-heels in Love 206 people
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4. change the world 1359 people
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5. fall asleep outside watching the stars with someone i care about 443 people
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6. be someone's hero 120 people
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7. Learn to play the piano 3044 people
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8. get a car 507 people
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9. travel around the world 2115 people
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10. learn how to hotwire a car 299 people
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11. read every single book i've ever wanted to read 1 person
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12. work because I like to, not because I have to 1874 people
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13. make a million dollars 255 people
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14. take an official IQ test 85 people
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15. Ride a horse 258 people
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16. start an online business 86 people
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17. attend the nba finals 1 person
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18. get drunk 307 people
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19. speed while driving 2 people
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20. stand up for a cause I believe in 14 people
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21. own a husky 5 people
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22. Have an underground lair 358 people
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23. learn how to appreciate coffee 1 person
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24. Take more pictures 6650 people
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25. learn to appreciate wine 10 people
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26. get 10 whole pages when i google myself 1 person
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27. Do something nice for someone, anonymously 38 people
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28. Learn how to wolf-whistle 1 person
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29. get in touch with jessica and take a picture with her 1 person
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30. get better grades 484 people
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31. meet Larry Page and Sergey Brin 2 people
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32. open a lifestyle cafe 1 person
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33. learn to ride a motor bike 4 people
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34. spend an entire day watching the extended version of all three Lord of the Rings movies back-to-back-to-back 852 people
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35. build my own rc car 1 person
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36. Donate blood 951 people
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37. Gain 10 kg 2 people
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38. learn Korean 457 people
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39. make a hundred million dollars 1 person
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40. trust someone completely 125 people
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41. converse with perry marshall 1 person
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42. Have a late night rooftop conversation while drinking wine and looking at the stars 8 people
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43. shake hands with michael jordan 1 person
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