like2smell was sick last week too.
he saw doctor at nus too.
he didn't recover too.
he went to see outside doctor too.
then he recovered.
if i recover tomorrow, it must be apparent that i shouldn't waste my time in going to see nus doctors anymore.
anyway under normal circumstances i wouldn't have been in such a hurry to see a doctor.
but tomorrow is inter faculty basketball trials. what a time to have it. i haven't played in damn long and i'm coughing like an ah pek. this morning i had blood in my phlegm somemore.
i coughed blood!
i asked the doctor if i could do sports. which was quite stupid actually, because anyone who knows doctors knows what he's gonna say, and anyone who knows me knows whether i'll listen to his advice.
he saw doctor at nus too.
he didn't recover too.
he went to see outside doctor too.
then he recovered.
if i recover tomorrow, it must be apparent that i shouldn't waste my time in going to see nus doctors anymore.
anyway under normal circumstances i wouldn't have been in such a hurry to see a doctor.
but tomorrow is inter faculty basketball trials. what a time to have it. i haven't played in damn long and i'm coughing like an ah pek. this morning i had blood in my phlegm somemore.
i coughed blood!
i asked the doctor if i could do sports. which was quite stupid actually, because anyone who knows doctors knows what he's gonna say, and anyone who knows me knows whether i'll listen to his advice.
i sound like a frog now.
dammit, i don't even have sore throat, i have no idea why i'm coughing until like that.
doctor says might be because i'm always in air con place. which i can't help, cos i like to be in the library.
then he asked if i smoke.
i said no.
then i said sometimes.
then he laughed.
been meeting up with rav4 quite abit these days.
she drove me home the other day!
rav4 drove me home in her rav4.
biaomei says i ming zhong zhu ding let girl drive me home one. cos she also drove me home before.
haiyoh say until biaoge like xiao bai lian like that.
i will have car soon okay! when i start working! okay that's not really very soon but it's not my fault that my papa doesn't pamper me >_<
dammit, i don't even have sore throat, i have no idea why i'm coughing until like that.
doctor says might be because i'm always in air con place. which i can't help, cos i like to be in the library.
then he asked if i smoke.
i said no.
then i said sometimes.
then he laughed.
been meeting up with rav4 quite abit these days.
she drove me home the other day!
rav4 drove me home in her rav4.
biaomei says i ming zhong zhu ding let girl drive me home one. cos she also drove me home before.
haiyoh say until biaoge like xiao bai lian like that.
i will have car soon okay! when i start working! okay that's not really very soon but it's not my fault that my papa doesn't pamper me >_<
my mother was at the ntuc paying for her goods which came up to be about $9.90.
my mother gave the auntie $50 and was given $0.10 change.
"erm... but i gave you $50"
what happened next was a series of ugly events in which my peace-loving mother held her ground all the way.
even the manager came out and demanded to know what happened.
the cashier tray was removed and the cashier plus my mother were ushered into the management office.
common knowledge dictates that it's just 40 lousy bucks and mother should just forget it.
"but i'm being accused of swindling and cheating!"
so giving in equals to pleading guilty.
and the cashier has one times fucked up attitude.
she was so cock-sure my mother was some swindler who's become so hard up and is trying to get herself a big fat angbao for herself.
so there my mother was, wife of a multi-millionaire, standing inside one stupid ntuc management office, being accused of swindling for a uber whooping grandiose 40 fucking dollars.
so stupid.
my mother gave the auntie $50 and was given $0.10 change.
"erm... but i gave you $50"
what happened next was a series of ugly events in which my peace-loving mother held her ground all the way.
even the manager came out and demanded to know what happened.
the cashier tray was removed and the cashier plus my mother were ushered into the management office.
common knowledge dictates that it's just 40 lousy bucks and mother should just forget it.
"but i'm being accused of swindling and cheating!"
so giving in equals to pleading guilty.
and the cashier has one times fucked up attitude.
she was so cock-sure my mother was some swindler who's become so hard up and is trying to get herself a big fat angbao for herself.
so there my mother was, wife of a multi-millionaire, standing inside one stupid ntuc management office, being accused of swindling for a uber whooping grandiose 40 fucking dollars.
so stupid.
school was a total waste of time. the profs were droning and we had no mood to listen at all.
halfway through mechanics of materials, the engineers walked out of the lecture theatre and came back with...
people thought we looked quite spastic...
fussing over a stupid bear.
so she really went to plucky grass for me.
sibeh romantic.
"i went through rain and shine to pluck for you one okay!"
"yeah right whatever."
and i was even instructed to wait under her block with my flowers. best thing is she ask me to go check yahoo groups for her address.
"no see no part!"
the crazy people in nus..
like last year, this year's 14th feb was biao ge biao mei day again...
we went to buy new year clothes. mine were quite plain and normal lah, as usual.
cai shen ye gave bm a rose! cai shen yes these days are quite hip and modern. and he gave me chocolate golden nuggets too!
bm spitted out the chocolates after one bite.
i tasted it too and concluded that it reeks of a certain smell..
a certain race...
we soon found out that the rose was damn cheapskate as well.
after walking aroud for awhile.. the petals started to drop and i had to pick them up after her. i requested bm to kindly stay away from me because onlookers will conclude that i bought her the cheapskate rose.
og was so cool!
with purchases of above $20, bm was given a voucher, and told to go upstairs to redeem a pearl.
and then according to bm...
the guy really just took out one oyster...
scooped and digged the inside of it...
and out came a pearl!!
halfway through mechanics of materials, the engineers walked out of the lecture theatre and came back with...
back in the lecture theatre.. ask the jow take picture with pui, he still want to act innocent act shy, and insisted on taking a disgusting 断背山 with guang guang...
quite gross.
before finally taking a nice nice picture with pui!
okay pui stop scolding me a piece of shit. i know you want to slaughter me for publicly displaying your scandalous picture but i couldn't resist; this picture quite nice okay!
you must thank me man. if not for me i think you guys ten years later also haven't taken one picture together lor.
somemore this one got flower...
then i went to cblc.. and inside marketing tray, there's something for me!
you must thank me man. if not for me i think you guys ten years later also haven't taken one picture together lor.
somemore this one got flower...
then i went to cblc.. and inside marketing tray, there's something for me!
the day before lingling was telling me there's this unspoken rule in cblc that all guy members are to buy flowers for their gal heads, and lingling is my marketing head.
"yeah ok lor, u give me grass then i give you flower lah."
"you say one huh!"
"yeah ok lor, u give me grass then i give you flower lah."
"you say one huh!"
sibeh romantic.
"i went through rain and shine to pluck for you one okay!"
"yeah right whatever."
and i was even instructed to wait under her block with my flowers. best thing is she ask me to go check yahoo groups for her address.
"no see no part!"
the crazy people in nus..
like last year, this year's 14th feb was biao ge biao mei day again...
we went to buy new year clothes. mine were quite plain and normal lah, as usual.
cai shen ye gave bm a rose! cai shen yes these days are quite hip and modern. and he gave me chocolate golden nuggets too!
bm spitted out the chocolates after one bite.
i tasted it too and concluded that it reeks of a certain smell..
a certain race...
we soon found out that the rose was damn cheapskate as well.
after walking aroud for awhile.. the petals started to drop and i had to pick them up after her. i requested bm to kindly stay away from me because onlookers will conclude that i bought her the cheapskate rose.
og was so cool!
with purchases of above $20, bm was given a voucher, and told to go upstairs to redeem a pearl.
and then according to bm...
the guy really just took out one oyster...
scooped and digged the inside of it...
so interesting! so sad that i was buying birthday card for my lao peh and couldn't witness the amazing feat.
why bm never wait for me to come first sheesh.
it was getting late so we went to mac's abit to slack before heading for home.
why bm never wait for me to come first sheesh.
it was getting late so we went to mac's abit to slack before heading for home.
i won tickets to the match between slingers and da bullets.
and i went to watch with xyz!
when i told her i also have free movie tickets, she asked why i got so many free tickets.
"so uncle."
our mascot the merlion looks like a hybrid between a dragon and a goldfish.
this dude mopping the floor has a passion for his job. he keeps mopping and mopping even when there's nothing to mop. i think maybe he just wants to be filmed.
koh meng koon! everyone roared when he came out. singapore's pride. but banished to the benches. how hurtful. he only got to play when the slingers confirm lose liao.
the commentator only says 2 things most of the time.
"goooooooooooooooo slingers!"
"and now back to the big deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......fence....."
and i went to watch with xyz!
when i told her i also have free movie tickets, she asked why i got so many free tickets.
"so uncle."

"goooooooooooooooo slingers!"
"and now back to the big deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......fence....."
i'm lazy to upload the pictures for this because there's nothing nice to see at all.
the main conclusion i drew from this match is that singaporean soccer fans have no sportsmanship at all. when malaysia scored they threw water bombs and stuff.
actually they throw i don't care..
the problem is that we were sitting right between the singapore and malaysia fans.
and one of the water bombs kena me and goodman.
ta ma de.
and there were some singaporeans who accidentally went to sit at the malaysian fans there.. then when they realized their mistake and got up they were boo-ed so badly by the singaporean fans.
the main conclusion i drew from this match is that singaporean soccer fans have no sportsmanship at all. when malaysia scored they threw water bombs and stuff.
actually they throw i don't care..
the problem is that we were sitting right between the singapore and malaysia fans.
and one of the water bombs kena me and goodman.
ta ma de.
and there were some singaporeans who accidentally went to sit at the malaysian fans there.. then when they realized their mistake and got up they were boo-ed so badly by the singaporean fans.
the guys got 5th place this year. tp won.
i was more impressed by the girls' performance in general.
since when female basketball become so powerful one?!
finals was between ntu and nyp. both teams were uber strong.
i find one particular girl in ntu super got character but i dare not post her pictures here because i might go to jail.
instead, here's a semi-picture-perfect shot. number 4 is damn zai. where got girl can handle ball with both left and right hand one?! but this competition got quite a few..
some of them were downright ah beng.
first time i see the point guard tell a player to "打七"...
then instead of "打七", the player straight away shoot 3 pointer in downright defiance.
and chop.
everyone asks if i was there for the match or for the girls.
please lor, if i wanna see girls i would go arts or science or biz lor.
okay, actually now that i notice how i speak, i realize why godpapa says i sound despo on my blog.
i was more impressed by the girls' performance in general.
since when female basketball become so powerful one?!
finals was between ntu and nyp. both teams were uber strong.
i find one particular girl in ntu super got character but i dare not post her pictures here because i might go to jail.

some of them were downright ah beng.
first time i see the point guard tell a player to "打七"...
then instead of "打七", the player straight away shoot 3 pointer in downright defiance.
and chop.
everyone asks if i was there for the match or for the girls.
please lor, if i wanna see girls i would go arts or science or biz lor.
okay, actually now that i notice how i speak, i realize why godpapa says i sound despo on my blog.
dark soul was back in singapore so we met up for a bout of ultimate duo-luo ness.

cigarettes, beer, cuttlefish and peas, at a kopitiam.. how much more duo luo canyou get?
"we should go and set up one SDLA. singapore duo luo association."
"go and die lah so unsophisticated. english then english chinese then chinese. we should call it xin jia po duo luo hui guan."
they are all intrigued at why i am single. and desperate.
i was like hello wtf??
in what way do i seem like i'm despo?? godpapa says i always post on my blog until very despo like that.
i am NOT lor!!
i just have a keener appreciation for beauty.. the creation of mother nature.. that is not being despo!
the table near us looked at us like quite curiously. they must be wondering what these young punks were doing at a kopitiam drinking beer.
i hit a new high. 6 cigarettes and 1 bottle of beer in like 2 hours.
i wonder where my threshold lies.
"more to come, boy. more to come." dark soul says evilly.
p.s. the above-depicted scenario is not a typical one in kang kang's life. any implied likelihood is purely your own imagination.

cigarettes, beer, cuttlefish and peas, at a kopitiam.. how much more duo luo canyou get?
"we should go and set up one SDLA. singapore duo luo association."
"go and die lah so unsophisticated. english then english chinese then chinese. we should call it xin jia po duo luo hui guan."
they are all intrigued at why i am single. and desperate.
i was like hello wtf??
in what way do i seem like i'm despo?? godpapa says i always post on my blog until very despo like that.
i am NOT lor!!
i just have a keener appreciation for beauty.. the creation of mother nature.. that is not being despo!
the table near us looked at us like quite curiously. they must be wondering what these young punks were doing at a kopitiam drinking beer.
i hit a new high. 6 cigarettes and 1 bottle of beer in like 2 hours.
i wonder where my threshold lies.
"more to come, boy. more to come." dark soul says evilly.
p.s. the above-depicted scenario is not a typical one in kang kang's life. any implied likelihood is purely your own imagination.
i wanted to post everything tonight.
but i'm fuckin' sleepy and i got class at nine am tomorrow.
so g'nite.
but i'm fuckin' sleepy and i got class at nine am tomorrow.
so g'nite.
just know that a trebuchet is something like a siege weapon in medieval times. attendance was compulsory anyway for all mechanical engin year 2s, so the engineers decided to be kei zua abit this time round and joined the competition!
i kinda regretted not taking pictures of the wooden planks before doing anything but here's the skeleton of our trebuchet.
and this is what it looked like after mounting the wheels.
then we had to go ahead to test the weapon...
with water balloons!
'tis our friendly neighbour..
the flying tiger team! got tail one! damn hilarious.
stupid mark spoiling the picture.
the night before the competition, the folks with cars went out to buy dinner for us. godzilla kept complaining because to buy my sugar cane juice, his car kena 4 birdshit.
one birdshit.

two birdshit.
three birdshit. four birdshit. actually i think there were five. but let's not tell him.
it's judgement day; but where the hell was i looking?
prof seah is damn funny.
my eye candy took this picture for us.. ;) she's the reason why the flying tiger team is our "friendly neighbour", by the way ;)
splat! getting ready for action. the stupid towel costs $5.90. godzilla buy stuff never see price tag one.
the flying tiger and the wastepaper basket.
i find this quite picturesque.
firers watch your front!! all siam!!
take aim...!
cock up!! all sibeh kan jiong spider trying to fix the error...
all set and ready to go again.
firers watch your front!
fire!! all look damn stressed.
okay lah we didn't manage to hit the professor at all because during testing we only cared about the distance and not the accuracy of the trebuchet. not like we really give a damn lah lol.
and it's time for the final picture before the destruction of our beloved trebuchet. we were left with no choice because we can't keep it because we don't live in palaces with unlimited amounts of space for storage.
everyone takes turn to hurl the hammer at the trebuchet.
it's damn sturdy and we all couldn't do it lo.
until it came godzilla's turn..
but instead of destroying the trebuchet.. the trebuchet destroyed the hammer.

then we had to go ahead to test the weapon...

the night before the competition, the folks with cars went out to buy dinner for us. godzilla kept complaining because to buy my sugar cane juice, his car kena 4 birdshit.

two birdshit.

take aim...!

firers watch your front!

okay lah we didn't manage to hit the professor at all because during testing we only cared about the distance and not the accuracy of the trebuchet. not like we really give a damn lah lol.

it's damn sturdy and we all couldn't do it lo.
until it came godzilla's turn..