just a blog

so artsy fartsy.

sometimes i can't help but think i'm quite artsy fartsy.

i think i have some literary talent in me.

don't laugh!

heard of "flags of our fathers"?

i actually came up with a parody entitled "fates of my bottles".

life was tragic and i lost my yellow adidas bottle few days ago..

so for the first time in a long while, i began to use a new bottle.. a stupid minute maid bottle i kopped form home..

my stupid cough is still not recovering so in a rambotic attempt to get some warm water by intelligently mixing cold water with hot water at perk point, i ended up with a...

bottle that doesn't look like a bottle anymore.

and that's literally hours of ownership.

so yesterday i kopped another mineral water bottle from home and it very luckily survived the first day of being my bottle.

today me and sunny yan were being stupid during lecture break and throwing my bottle at each other with him demonstrating his polo prowess and me chooting my bball power.

damn zai.

then i asked him to throw the bottle towards my hand which was stretching out from my back so i could perform a gosu behind the back catch.

but then the idiot go and throw so hard i had to siam and it landed into the drain.



today i bought a polar mineral water to use as water bottle.

how long will this last?

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