just a blog


been studying at engin these days instead of central library.

today, by some strange twist of fate, i was back in central library.. and there was a hot girl sitting opposite me!

hot not as in the conventional sense of the word..

she's abit the guai, but kinda lian... abit the lian, but kinda guai..

she's got braces and tattoos.

not the kind to make u go "whoa"! all of a sudden, but is really very chio if u look closely!

man, i think i've got a thing for braces.

just as the library was closing, we talked!

ok the content of the conversation was irrelevant but she was... really... really.. very.. very.. chio....

waahahaha i think i'm going to get alot of flak for sounding like a despo again but she is really... really... very... very... chio...!!

and she exudes just the right kind of aura!

kaoz, next time see her i think i will shang liao.

and when i left, she totally, wholly, entirely, got me by saying "byebye" in the most.. most... ATTRACTIVE way i've ever heard the words "byebye" being said..

it was like.. sort of a whisper because we're in the library.. but yet it's so bubbly and full of zest and life!

omg i'm quite disgusted at the way i've put it but i really cannot help it!

it was just like... like...



*kang dies*

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