on 184 on the way to school, i suddenly heard hysterical screams of siao char bors from outside the bus.
initially i thought they were playing stupid games that siao char bors like to play, until i saw..
if only i had a banana..
initially i thought they were playing stupid games that siao char bors like to play, until i saw..

alot alot of monkeys!! damn cute!!
one was sitting at the seat, as though waiting for a bus.. the others were scattered around slacking. in total there were like 7-8 in total. i think today new paper will report.
so bizzare!
and i just couldn't resist showing you a picture of my gorilla friend and his monkey counterpart trapped in a cage.
one was sitting at the seat, as though waiting for a bus.. the others were scattered around slacking. in total there were like 7-8 in total. i think today new paper will report.
so bizzare!
and i just couldn't resist showing you a picture of my gorilla friend and his monkey counterpart trapped in a cage.
if only i had a banana..
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