just a blog

The Land of Many Many Beautiful Flowers.

The perks of studying at Central Library..

Are your eyes tired from stupid equations and laws invented by crazy people you're not even sure are dead or alive? Exhausted from trying to memorize all the fuzzy logic that's SUPPOSED to make sense?

Just look up!

Lo and behold.. Your eyes with be delightedly soothed by the wondrous landscape.

Say what? Don't have?

Don't fret. Just turn your head. SURE got one. Don't ask me why, I also dunno why like that.

How could there be such disparity in the quality of scenery in two places merely a few hundred metres apart?

If Arts is a garden, Engin is a desert.

If Arts is a dream, Engin is a nightmare.

If Arts is Heaven, Engin is like Hell.

If Arts is like coffee, Engin is like piss.

P.S. I'm talking about the general situation, and exceptions do occur.

P.P.S. The above is actually just to pacify my female engin friends.

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