just a blog


There's this series of pics featuring this fuckin bitch torturing this poor little kitten, going so far as to force her stiletto down the little innocent's throat.

I first heard it from bm who learnt about it from Alvin who saw the pics while blog-hopping.

I thought that the pics were morbid enough.

Until I saw the VIDEO today.

I think her behaviour is most aptly summed up the in following acronym.


I mean, something has gotta be very, very, very wrong with a human being for her to be able to do this to a fellow earthling. How can ANYONE have such an evil heart?

And mind you, this isn't some evil scheming mad scientist or a blood-seeking terrorist. She's just a normal person walking amongst our midst!

And speaking of terrorists, I think even Osama would take off his turban and bow in defeat.

It ain't often I get so freaked out. But as I saw the creature putting its stiletto into the kitten's mouth, I uncontrollably muttered one "fuck" and turned off the video. The kitten was mewing so pathetically.

And no, I'm not gonna post the link to the video. The creature's wish is to gain publicity, and publicity I shall not give it. Anyway, I think u guys also not interested lah, it's really, really, fuckin gross.

And the best thing is, this creature even has sequels featuring other little animals like bunnies and what-not.

This kind of incident really makes me want to take a step back, have a better look at this world and think...


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