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Vote for Worker's Party! Not?

Went to watch the opposition's rally at Ubi with dad just now.

It is very sad to see how the general Singapore population reacts to rallies like this.

Do they even know what is it that they are so fervently supporting? And the possible consequences?

Some issues that were raised during their speeches, and especially the reponses that they triggered, were extremely worrying, and in my humble opinion, reflects the ignorance of the general population and their short-sightedness.
Mr Ng Eng Meng mentioned that there were some suggestions he had made to the PAP regarding some policies which were rejected some ten years ago. Now, PAP is starting to carry out those same policies.

From this, he concludes that what PAP has done,
he has already thought of long ago. This is met with a huge response from the crowd and people were applausing like mad and chanting "Worker's Party! Worker's Party!"

But has anyone in the audience considered that the decision might indeed have been unpractical ten years ago, but because situations have changed, it is favourable now?
Okay I know I myself have been guilty of calling the progress package a "bribe", but that was meant as a half-joke and I didn't expect the opposition to make such a big hoo ha over it. So it ends up that government don't give money they complain, give money they also complain..

They call it a very blatant call for citizens to vote for PAP. However, do they realize that if PAP wants to avoid this accusation, all they have to do is bring the distribution of the progress packages to a much earlier date?

Say what? Maybe they thought of it only as the elections drew near? C'mon lah, PAP is made up of
POLITICIANS and even if little me is able to think up of this change, don't tell me they can't?
They bash PAP because the price of living has increased more and more. And they blame PAP for people losing their jobs and that "general managers of companies have become taxi-drivers."

And I got so very disgusted when the audience actually started clapping again and shouting "YES! YES!"

How about, for a change, realize that the price of living is increased because the standard of living has increased? GMs turn into taxi-drivers because of the economy, and PAP has no real influence over that. And how
MANY GMs really turn into taxi drivers?? How could they bring up EXCEPTIONS to debate an issue, instead of the norm? Blame PAP for this, blame PAP for that.. I think it's high time they start realizing that your future lies in your own goddamn hands and to quit whining.

Nobody owes them a living. Not PAP, and not WP too, even if they come into power.

I found it really funny that they criticize the fact that MPs are very well-paid and with the
TAX-PAYERS' money at that, and WP works for the common folk for NO MONEY at all. They also seem to imply that the rising costs of living results in surplus that flows into the pockets of these MPs.

Look at it this way... An MP is a highly educated individual who would definitely be able to command a high income if he sets up his own company or decides to take up a high position in a commercial company. If you don't pay them well, why in the world would these people choose to become an MP?

Furthermore.. The WP also neglects the fact that... They didn't
CHOOSE not to get any money for their efforts.. They have no fuckin' choice! Well if they do become the ruling party AND refuse to claim any wages, that's a different story. But I don't think so.
I highly suspect the general population supports the opposition only because they want change.. But are they willing to embrace that change, whether good or bad?

I'm no PAP hardcore supporter, but there is no denying the fact that they have done a good job thus far.

And we do pay our dues, which are much higher than the average Singaporean, and we are taxed the frickin maximum amount in taxes every year.

But if that's what it takes to maintain a competitive edge for Singapore, do we complain?

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