just a blog

Friendster as a Buaya Tool.

Friendster is great for social networking, but I think it has been more widely used for voyuerism.

Limpeh has been guilty of checking out all the chiobu friends of my friends and my friend's friends and my friends' friends' friends.

Guys: Don't tell me you've never done it before.
Girls: Yes, it does happen. And it can take whole day.

And I think there are quite a few conclusions we can draw about the social situation in Singapore.

For one example, just go to any chio bu's friendster profile. Let's do a brief analysis of this person.

If her testimonials are from both guys and girls in approximately equal proportion, it is an ideal situation and she's probably well-liked and is a nice person in general.

If no girl posts testimonials for her and there are ten thousand from guys, the guys would surely be using extremely flamboyant terms to describe her, which means she must be a.. you know.

Note: There will NEVER be more testimonials from girls than guys for a typical cb.

Friendster also exemplifies the disgusting side of typical CMI Singaporean males.

Just choose another chio bu as an example. Amongst the piles of testimonials, you are bound to find one fucker that praises the girl to the sky with typical terms like "friendly", "pretty", "nice" and other stupid words.

One fucker I saw went to the extent of listing like 100 positive words which he probably kopped from some online dictionary.

Hell, I guess it's granted that testimonials are supposed to be all nice and sweet and ego-boosting, but what these guys do are really too outrageous and hypocritical.

They are the disgrace of the male species.

I really buei tahan them.

And to add salt to the wound, these are typically the kind of guys who girls will describe as "kind, sensitive and caring".

My foot.

They are just rapists minus the guts.

Ironically, these are the guys who are the "ladies' men" and the social butterflies, because they are so "kind, sensitive and caring".

What the hell.

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