just a blog

Groovy Groovy.

I think Groove Nation was super good.

Dunno why bm, yiwei they all seemed quite unimpressed, haha, maybe I'm just being a moutain tortoise but I thought most of the contestants were really really good and I thoroughly enjoyed the show.

Sheikh Haikel was a superb MC as well providing alot of unpretentious and ah beng type random humour.

Probably what struck me the most was the camaraderie those people showed towards each other even though they were competing against each other.

Maybe it's the way they structured the results. All consolations and only one winner. I think that makes the environment much more "friendly" as compared to have a first, a second, a third, and a few consolations.

Anywayz, I think the mutual respect they had for each other was really damn admirable and I think they're a bunch of really happy people and you can't help but feel very happy, for lack of a better word, when you see them on stage!

And because some of the contestants were little kids, their mothers came bringing Macdonalds for them during the break.

So ke ai neh!!

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