just a blog

Day of Defeat

Just got home from beer and taitee and supper from Kenny and the signallers.

Damn shagged cos I joined them after bball.

Was playing with the subclub folks when suddenly I saw that IVP having trials on the other court, so I went to try out.

Didn't get in.

Well can't say I don't feel anything at all but also can't say I'm damn depressed also.

It's just a fucked up feeling. Disappointment, maybe. Might be just as well, so I could spend more time on my priorities.

But still, it's fucked up.

Well I knew I didn't get in even before they announced cos I was having stitch and here pain there pain and played really badly. Of course, even if I'm on form, my full court sucks.

Maybe I'm fated to play 3on3 my whole life.

Reminds me of the time I got chopped from PJ bball and I had the accountant to cheer me up. (Ok she didn't mean to or try to, but she did)

Ray tried to console me haha, saying he's been to trials for his 2nd and 3rd year, now fourth year then get in.

And yeah, I hate being consoled lah, it feels so loserish.

I said nah, nevermind lah, I also anyhow come trial one, don't get in don't get in lo.

Sometimes I'm quite amazed at how good I am at acting nonchalant also.

2 Responses to “Day of Defeat”

  1. # Blogger Daphne Maia

    So wld u feel better if ppl jus came right out n said, kang u suck, that's why u dint get in...? no laa. ppl try to console u to make u feel better. but obviously no one likes to be pitied. ppl shd jus realise that.

    anyway i'm just gonna say this: having fun while playing is all that matters. :)

    jus my 2cents worth.  

  2. # Blogger kang

    Ya lah, I'm just whining and bitching lah can, haha.  

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