just a blog

The Reluctant Engineer

I was sitting through the last Fluid Mechanics lecture and observing how enthusiastic my peers were, scribbling notes, asking each other questions, nodding to themselves in understanding.

The less action baby ones were listening intently, brows crossed, eyes fixated in front.

And what was I doing? Trying to appreciate what was being taught, pencil in hands, paper ready, blindly copying what was being shown on the transparency.

And deep down inside, I just wished the lecture would end immediately.

I don't enjoy my modules. Now, I know most of my peers won't actually like the modules either, but I really really can't put my heart into being a good engineering student.

I've tried.

I stay in school till the library closes almost every day since I don't know when, to force myself to study, to force myself to like my modules.

Try as I may, I simply don't give a damn why Reynold's number being more than or less than 2300 makes it turbulent or laminar and the properties of water in those states.

Like2smell always likes to scream at me...

"Where's your passion?!"

I guess I can only say it's not in engineering. I'm study with brute force, sheer brainpower, of which I don't have much, to make things worse.

I read business books for leisure. My languages are alright. I'd probably be happier in Arts or in Business.

In part due to babes of course, but I digress.

My friends have also commented more than once.

"I really don't know why you chose Engin."

And now, nearing examinations, the effects of that not-very-wise choice is very much magnified. And it's too late for anything to be done about it anyway.

So I'm just grumbling.

Still, at the end of it all, I just can't help but reflect upon this question again and again.

"Wtf am I doing in Engin?"

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