just a blog

A Fairy Tale Wedding

before anything else, allow me to introduce you to my favorite super-duper cute little biao mei, kai xin!

so adorable.

i made her strike this pose.

it's my biao jie's wedding. it was quite fairy-talish in my opinion. the groom was rich, the bride was gorgeous.

both highly educated individuals, and they've been dating for ten long years. and they got married on their tenth anniversary.

tenth anniversary! that is so wow.

it's a christian wedding. the first one i've been to, so i was quite surprised at some of the things they did. and to re-iterate the point, my biao jie was gorgeous.

and kaixin was the little angel leading the way and scattering petals on the floor.

but how come still got so many left? she wasn't doing her job!

and somemore she left the flowers with me and ran away. the nerves.

the wedding dinner was at hyatt.

it's been eons since the angs took a family picture together. i couldn't resist putting this up.

just to show the stark contrast.

we're all damn old now. all the babies suddenly knew how to walk. and suddenly i was an uncle. and even kai xin is an auntie too.

it was hands-down, the most emo wedding i've ever been to. the first time i eevr saw tears. i think it was a dream come true for the bride and da groom. it's really very hard for a couple to have 10 long years together and still be so loving and sweet.

and weddings give relatives the perfect opportunity to bombard me about "when's my turn".

wait lah wait, find girlfriend first.


which brings me to think about how bad a boyfriend i would actually make.

they've been together for only a few weeks i think, and she's already had happy posts about both of them together. we've been together for years and i never got mentioned in her blog ever.

lol. but she looks happy. and that's all that matters i guess.

i'm getting out of point. and incoherent.

so forgive me.

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