just a blog

the pursuit of happiness.

i was discussing with my lao peh, the profound topic of how to be happy and whether happiness has any correlation with how wealthy an individual is.

i am a pretty easily contented person, and that seems to worry my lao peh quite abit because to him, that's a sign that i will not seek continuous improvement. but aiyah, i guess i really will not become spectacularly wealthy in future, but hey, to me, "enough", is "enough".

and then he started telling me about this acquaintance of his.

he is rich. damn rich. frickin' rich. kam pua chao ji wu di seeeeeeeebeh rich. hundreds of million bucks kind of rich. one of the top ten richest men in singapore kind of rich.

is he happy?

well he has 3 wives, has recieved numerous awards for various achievements in myriad fields. but he has this hobby of looking down on people and the tendency to treat fellow human beings as dirt of the earth and likes to make lesser millionaires feel like paupers living on rations.

again, is he happy?

hmm, i guess whatever i say can't really hold water because our circumstances and living conditions are really worlds apart, but i know that i have the ability to get so ecstatic upon the end of exams and i'm sure that's something he doesn't have!

and just drop me in borders or the library for a day and i'll be happy like a little boy given sweets. or let me dota. let me do whatever i want.

give me liberty, and i attain a quarter of a nirvana.

give him liberty, give him 10 wives, give him a million dollars, and he'll probably spit in ur face and ask u to fuck off because u ain't worthy.

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