just a blog

Everyone's talking about it.

YES, the government has just issued us our share of bribes! Oops.. I mean PROGRESS PACKAGES.

Too bad for our female counterparts, you girls ain't
ADULTS yet muaha, so you're not eligible for the bribes progress packages.

Because this is a fair society where everyone is (supposed) to be treated equally, I have a proposal to make! This is also to benefit our fellow female counterparts who aren't eligible for the bribes progress packages yet!

Them buggers who got friggin' $900 must contribute $200 to a female counterpart of their choice, and $100 to the poor souls who only got $300. Those who got $700 would contribute $100 to a female counterpart and $50 to the $300 population.

So after working out everything, those who got $900 would end up with $600, those who got $700 would end up with $550, those who got $300 would end up with $450, and our female counterparts would end up with $150!

Isn't that a fantastic idea?!

Everyone would be happy! Well I suggest that the choice of the female counterpart to preferably be a char bor u want to jio. Or some girl u've been secretly admiring also can. Don't give girlfriend, give liao they also won't appreciate one.

As for the other other, I strongly, strongly encourage u to give it to
yours truly.

I sincerely promise that I would use the money to advance the welfare of our folks and to break through new frontiers in terms of Science and Technology!


Let's name this, for lack of a better name, the

Let us all fight for (more) equal rights and privileges!!

P.S. The above is merely wishful thinking on the author's part and the author bears no responsibility to the consequences of his bullshit words. Any real action by any individual is purely coincidental.

P.P.S. However, if you do wish to contribute your share to the author, please do not hesitate to do so immediately. The author would be eternally grateful.

P.P.PS. I'm serious!!

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