just a blog

Glorified Persona.

"I'm a loving father, an entrepeneur, a caring husband, and a philantropist."

Saw something like that in a brief description of some person.

I think it's quite funny when you see how people stack up different faces of their personality and different roles in their lives and combine it to appear as if they have achieved alot, have alot of social responsibility, and are so fuckin' busy that they have no time to spend with mere mortals.

Oh by the way, if you don't know me, know that I hate it when people act like they're the busiest people in the world and that other people are just friggin' slackers and are a waste of oxygen and h2o and their time has no value and they're not busy themselves.

I digress.

Oh by the way, I realized the last entry was my 350th, wheeee, time fries.

Oh, I was talking about a glorified persona. Let me introduce myself!

I am a filial son, a caring brother, a basketballer, an undergrad, a blogger, an atheist, a future engineer, a warrior. And I'm also a shoe-wearer, a laptop owner, a phone-user, a sleeper, a water-drinker, a dreamer, a slacker, a nail-clipper, a heterosexual. Fuck, I'm also a vulgarities spewer, a walker, a reader, and an anti-absolute moralist.

I am so many in one!

So many things to do!

I am so busy!

I am the most important person in the world!

Worship me!

Sarcasm purposefully and abso-fuckin-lutely intended.

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