just a blog

My papa so funny.

Sometimes, despite his strict and stern demeanour, my papa is really quite funny. Behind his business-man mask, is actually pretty much a kid just like every single one of us.

Yesterday, he went for this running competition organized by the Singapore Vehicle Trade Association and came in 8th.

He was so very very very very very very very very very very very very very very happy!

Like a kid like that.

He was literally beaming and showing me the certificate and medal. I believe he's not won something like this in a long long time.

Suddenly, I felt like I was the father and him, the son.

Truth be told, it was really very very rare, to see my father this happy, so I got very influenced as well ;)

He makes it a point to stress that "aiyah actually it's nothing much lah... but dunno why very shiok leh... this stupid, worthless piece of metal how much only.. but win liao really very shiok leh."

In a very off-hand manner, I commented that this "stupid, worthless" piece of metal somehow managed to make him more happy than one of those $10,000 days. He thought about it for 3 seconds and agreed whole-heartedly.

And we both laughed at the irony of it all.

And this further affirmed the belief that some things, money really cannot buy.

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