Wow it's been six days since the exams ended!
No wonder they say time flies when you're having fun.
Might have noticed the lack of pictures for a long long time. My stupid bluetooth in my beloved Acer was down so I couldn't send in pics from my Motorola.
I finally got it fixed 2 days before the exams and now my pathetically miniscule phone is exploding from photos-overload.
I'm sure Motorola feels lighter today.
Every picture tells a story. This is a very outdated one about the demise of the beloved Arts Canteen, The Deck. Let's observe a minute of silence for this place and remind ourselves of these fond memories; of yong tau foo, of waffles, of disgusting teriyaki chicken, of welcome relief after mugging, of talk kok sessions, of chio-bu-viewing sessions.
And this picture, is of the last meal I had in The Old Deck. Chicken chop with cheese fries with mashed potatoes with fried egg and iced milo, which I had with the engineers and bm.
You'll be missed, Mr Deck.
On the bright side, however, arts girls will start coming over to our territory to eat! Common sense might dictate that half of the arts population might decide to go over to business canteen to eat, but I think business food sucks so much that more than 65% would come over to engin.
Engineers have a psychotic tendency to steal my phone to secretly take pictures of me when I'm not looking. Want to take a nap also cannot take in peace.
I think I look like Ku Klux Klan.
Ta ma de.
The face behind like2smell!
Hee hee.
Check out da water bottles! Bizzare leh?! We are engineers and magicians.
I couldn't resist taking a picture of this.
Wahahaha bm so funny!
Cool cool Jag. I realize it isn't very nice to put up a pic of a car complete witht the number plate but aiyah, I'm saying your car is nice, not crticising it, so you won't mind ba.
Damn majestic.
In the background is my papa and our Crown, which sad to say, looks kind of puny beside this beast.
This is my help sheet for Fluid Mechanics. Actually, it's just a pathetic piece of paper. About thirty minutes before the paper, one whole bunch of stupid engineers were scurrying to and fro the photo copy machine, cutting and pasting; literally, scraps of paper, in a last desperate attempt to beef up our helpsheets.
Alas, it proved no use at all, and I am still going to die for Fluids.
No wonder they say time flies when you're having fun.
Might have noticed the lack of pictures for a long long time. My stupid bluetooth in my beloved Acer was down so I couldn't send in pics from my Motorola.
I finally got it fixed 2 days before the exams and now my pathetically miniscule phone is exploding from photos-overload.
I'm sure Motorola feels lighter today.

And this picture, is of the last meal I had in The Old Deck. Chicken chop with cheese fries with mashed potatoes with fried egg and iced milo, which I had with the engineers and bm.
You'll be missed, Mr Deck.
On the bright side, however, arts girls will start coming over to our territory to eat! Common sense might dictate that half of the arts population might decide to go over to business canteen to eat, but I think business food sucks so much that more than 65% would come over to engin.

I think I look like Ku Klux Klan.
Ta ma de.

Hee hee.
Check out da water bottles! Bizzare leh?! We are engineers and magicians.

Wahahaha bm so funny!

Damn majestic.
In the background is my papa and our Crown, which sad to say, looks kind of puny beside this beast.

Alas, it proved no use at all, and I am still going to die for Fluids.
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