once upon a time, in the peaceful island of cblc, there were two ancient protectors of the land, master kang and master cane, and they loved their homeland so much they will sacrifice their lives to protect it from harm.
master cane is extremely benevolent and protects cblc with his mighty sabre, which he carries around all the time.
alas, one day, disaster strikes, and master cane is possessed by demons!
he enters cblc, and threatens to destroy our mahjong table and tiles unless we surrendered all our pcs!!!
good shall reign over evil!!
master kang will never let this happen.
it pains his heart, but...
master cane must die.
master kang and master cane do battle for three days and three nights, and after much effort, the evil was finally subdued...
master cane...
is dead...
and from then on, master kane and master cane continue watching over cblc from the heavens...
and the villagers carry on living and slacking there, happily ever after...
alas, one day, disaster strikes, and master cane is possessed by demons!
good shall reign over evil!!
master kang will never let this happen.
it pains his heart, but...
master cane must die.
master kang and master cane do battle for three days and three nights, and after much effort, the evil was finally subdued...
is dead...
master kang screams to the stars in painful remorse at killing his old friend...
there can be only two protectors, or no protectors...
and so...
there can be only two protectors, or no protectors...
and so...
and from then on, master kane and master cane continue watching over cblc from the heavens...
and the villagers carry on living and slacking there, happily ever after...
******THE END******
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