just a blog

Hello 2005~

It's now officially 2005~ 12:25 a.m.~

Time to make some New Year Resolutions~~~
*Drum roLLs*

1. First of all, I'm gonna PASS MY FREAKIN' DRIVING TEST on the 12th of Jan.
2. Start checking out and for my mini-van; and hopefully get to buy it, latest by end of 2006.
3. Work hard in uni. Must do well man.
4. Play hard in uni as well. Gonna play bball for hall hopefully. Maybe handball. Maybe try my hand at air-pistol too.
5. Save up. Wanna have at least $5000 in personal account by end of 2005. Means that I most probably gotta get a job. Hopefully a job in hostel.
6. Be a better person. Treat people I treasure nicely. Family and my best friends ba.

Hmm, initially thought that I'd have alot of resolutions. But can't think of many right now.

Of course, the coming of the new year is an occasion on which we should be joyful and happy, let's not forget our less fortunate counter-parts in the rest of the world.

And it's not just about the tsunami victims just because it's been the most phenomenal and all over the papers. We must also remember those who have been suffering since a long time ago, like sufferers of disease, etc. Powerless as we may be in helping them ease their pains physically and emotionally, I guess we should play a part whenever we can, however we can.

Oh yeah, since I'm at it, would just like to mention that you can actually donate stuff at Tekka, for the victims of the tsunami incident, in Sri Lanka. Well actually I'm not a firm advocate of cash donations.

Being the cynical me, I believe the money won't go to the victims. A portion of it may, but definitely not the full amount. Noticed the increasing chrity shows on TV? Is mankind becoming more and more charitable? Cynical me thinks that it's cos more and more organizations realize how lucrative it is to earn money through charity shows.

Still, me thinks it's okay to donate money, cos a portion of it still goes to the needy. But I think that donating foodstuffs, water purifying pills, clothings, is a more practical way of helping them; cos the organizations involved won't want them anyway.

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