just a blog

What in the world happened to Tagboard?

How come Tagboard doesn't seem to be working? Weird. Ah, shan't bother.

Today I was watching Huang Se Shou Pa, some soapy korean show. And god damn it, I nearly CRIED watching it. Anyone who knows kanger well enough should know that this phenomenon is extremely rare.

I guess I'm just more prone to heartbreaks nowadays hur hur.

The show also led me to think of some interesting scenarios. What if I realize that I've contracted some uncurable disease and have only 3-4 months left to live? I could opt to go for treatment and stay in hospital, but the treatment might fail and I could just spend the last days of my life in he hospital bed.

Like him, I believe I would opt to give up treatment as well and make the best use of my remaining life.

In the show, his ex-wife finds out about his condition and begs him to go stay in hospital. Prior to this, she's been damn cold to him because of some situation I shall not bother to explain in this entry. I guess it's precisely because she was so cold that her begging him became so touching.

I wonder if I contract some disease like this, will I tell Ting? Will she cry? Will she be like the female lead and beg me to go stay in hospital?

But then again, I guess I wouldn't tell her.

Should just die alone or something.

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