Sister's Commencement and China Black
0 Comments Published by kang on Thursday, July 21, 2005 at 7:48 AM.

Me, Sis and Mum. (If you din figure that out, I don't know what to say)
Well first of all, I wanna say that my sis's commencement a.k.a graduation has nothing to do with China Black so the title for this entry might seem weird. It's just that yesterday, I went for for sis's commencement, then China Black.
Like, I'm there to see my sister graduate loh, and I don't really give a damn about the other 1000 plus SMU graduates and I don't really wanna listen to what the professors and the serious people have to say. In short, out of the about 5 hours I spent there, less than one hour was spent constructively.
What makes up the one hour: Taking pictures, seeing my sister graduate (DUH), and RECEPTION. The food wasn't wonderful, but I eat anything so I'm alright.
Got home pretty late cos' my sister went to exchange money for her HK trip so I was left to SHOP with my mum. Sis took frickin long and by the time I got home I only had time to have a quick dinner before going off to China Black where I'm meeting the Scums and Scum-bus.
I was late for half an hour loh. Hai sorry sorry haha.
First thing that happened when I reached was realize that Andy lost his IC and 11B~ Sigh, damn sad, I can totally empathize with him. Without any form of identification, he couldn't join us so he went home sigh.
So then we got in for awhile and I got hungry, so I went to Mac with Alvin and Ying~ Bought a Big Mac EVM, then the rest of the Shambaa came out as well hahah, think they very sianz. Sow e had a mini-chionging session at Macs before going back to China Black.
Well I guess the chiong-ing part was pretty sianz cos' the music was quite duh and we all couldn't get HIGH.
But the pair of gays was quite funny. Carressing each other on the platform~~ Quite good-looking lah, got nice build. They asked Ying up to dance hahah I think if she did I'd faint. Ying said she saw them like discussing about me. Damn shitty, I think I always get all the wrong attention one.
Either that or they noticed I was looking at them alot and thought I was INTERESTED IN EITHER OF THEM.
Left at about 2 a.m. and went to Lau Pa Sat for supper. Sat there and talked nonsense, about different JCs, smoking, taking drugs, learning driving, and life in general.
Got home at 5 plus~~ I think I'm slowly killing myself by consciously depriving myself of much-needed sleep. And here I am writing blog at 11:36 p.m.
Like, I'm there to see my sister graduate loh, and I don't really give a damn about the other 1000 plus SMU graduates and I don't really wanna listen to what the professors and the serious people have to say. In short, out of the about 5 hours I spent there, less than one hour was spent constructively.
What makes up the one hour: Taking pictures, seeing my sister graduate (DUH), and RECEPTION. The food wasn't wonderful, but I eat anything so I'm alright.
Got home pretty late cos' my sister went to exchange money for her HK trip so I was left to SHOP with my mum. Sis took frickin long and by the time I got home I only had time to have a quick dinner before going off to China Black where I'm meeting the Scums and Scum-bus.
I was late for half an hour loh. Hai sorry sorry haha.
First thing that happened when I reached was realize that Andy lost his IC and 11B~ Sigh, damn sad, I can totally empathize with him. Without any form of identification, he couldn't join us so he went home sigh.
So then we got in for awhile and I got hungry, so I went to Mac with Alvin and Ying~ Bought a Big Mac EVM, then the rest of the Shambaa came out as well hahah, think they very sianz. Sow e had a mini-chionging session at Macs before going back to China Black.
Well I guess the chiong-ing part was pretty sianz cos' the music was quite duh and we all couldn't get HIGH.
But the pair of gays was quite funny. Carressing each other on the platform~~ Quite good-looking lah, got nice build. They asked Ying up to dance hahah I think if she did I'd faint. Ying said she saw them like discussing about me. Damn shitty, I think I always get all the wrong attention one.
Either that or they noticed I was looking at them alot and thought I was INTERESTED IN EITHER OF THEM.
Left at about 2 a.m. and went to Lau Pa Sat for supper. Sat there and talked nonsense, about different JCs, smoking, taking drugs, learning driving, and life in general.
Got home at 5 plus~~ I think I'm slowly killing myself by consciously depriving myself of much-needed sleep. And here I am writing blog at 11:36 p.m.
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