Came across a certain someone's blog in which he says bball is gay~~
Hmm I'm guessing he isn't really serious about it but I don't really know, maybe he is. I am no Absolute Moralist and I understand everyone has his likes and dislikes but I really don't understand what's gay about bball.
I mean, I'm not saying it's man or anything, but does it deserve such a negative criticism?
He mentions that bball is for guys who wanna like act shuai and show off to his girlfriend or to impress girls or something.
I mean, like, "DUH?!" The "act shuai" element; isn't it like a part of every sport or in fact everything that you like?? You play a sport because you enjoy the feeling of playing it. You enjoy basketball because the feeling of hearing the "CHOP!" is damn shiok. Because driving past your opponent feels damn empowering. Because a nice pass looks damn chio.
Who likes to play a sport in which he consciously knows that his actions look stupid and ugly?!
And about the showing off to girlfriend part. For a fact, I don't think my previous gf has ever seen me play bball before man.. I don't know why lah, don't know if it's really no chance or she doesn't like to watch, but she never watch before loh. So I want to show off also cannot. Not there's anything much to show anyway lah.
About the impressing girls part. Yeah lah, got girls watching of course you'll be more energetic. I mean, got people watch of course more energetic lah, even if they're guys. Budden even if got girls also all like ah lians loh.
So like if they ever get to see me perform, it's when we're slaughtering their ah beng boyfriends loh. So they might not even be impressed. Cursing and swearing maybe.
Yeah I know, I also hate those ah bengs who play bball either barefooted or in their super bright coloured slippers and no fear tight t-shirts. I also hate it when people wear their FULL jersey and walk around in shopping malls.
Budden there are ballers I damn admire also loh. Got one quite ah beng one starting I also dun like him one. But gradually I find that he's actually just, beng loh.. But he's really nice and he's frickin good loh, kaoZ. Yeah he's taller than me lah, budden even if we're the same height I think he will trash me loh.
Then not long ago got another little kid we met at the CC also. He's damn frickin good also loh, and he's like, what, 17, I think? I think he's really damn talented loh, I was really damn amazed by his skills. About 173 cm ba, not very tall, but his control and speed is totally madness loh.
One reason I really HATE it when people who lose to my team complain about my HEIGHT. It's like, please loh, if you really look at it properly, the difference between 170 and 180 is like, one head only loh. And 180 is NOT VERY TALL LOH. Wait till you see those 2m freaks.
And when I encounter those teams with distinct height disadvantage one, I will automatically start playing guard and not eat them loh. Play guard i.e. controlling the ball alot and not using height advantage. But they can still shamelessly shake their heads when I score and sigh "so tall..."
Okay so in conclusion, most ballers are okay loh. All sports have their black sheep one wad.

Hmm I'm guessing he isn't really serious about it but I don't really know, maybe he is. I am no Absolute Moralist and I understand everyone has his likes and dislikes but I really don't understand what's gay about bball.
I mean, I'm not saying it's man or anything, but does it deserve such a negative criticism?
He mentions that bball is for guys who wanna like act shuai and show off to his girlfriend or to impress girls or something.
I mean, like, "DUH?!" The "act shuai" element; isn't it like a part of every sport or in fact everything that you like?? You play a sport because you enjoy the feeling of playing it. You enjoy basketball because the feeling of hearing the "CHOP!" is damn shiok. Because driving past your opponent feels damn empowering. Because a nice pass looks damn chio.
Who likes to play a sport in which he consciously knows that his actions look stupid and ugly?!
And about the showing off to girlfriend part. For a fact, I don't think my previous gf has ever seen me play bball before man.. I don't know why lah, don't know if it's really no chance or she doesn't like to watch, but she never watch before loh. So I want to show off also cannot. Not there's anything much to show anyway lah.
About the impressing girls part. Yeah lah, got girls watching of course you'll be more energetic. I mean, got people watch of course more energetic lah, even if they're guys. Budden even if got girls also all like ah lians loh.
So like if they ever get to see me perform, it's when we're slaughtering their ah beng boyfriends loh. So they might not even be impressed. Cursing and swearing maybe.
Yeah I know, I also hate those ah bengs who play bball either barefooted or in their super bright coloured slippers and no fear tight t-shirts. I also hate it when people wear their FULL jersey and walk around in shopping malls.
Budden there are ballers I damn admire also loh. Got one quite ah beng one starting I also dun like him one. But gradually I find that he's actually just, beng loh.. But he's really nice and he's frickin good loh, kaoZ. Yeah he's taller than me lah, budden even if we're the same height I think he will trash me loh.
Then not long ago got another little kid we met at the CC also. He's damn frickin good also loh, and he's like, what, 17, I think? I think he's really damn talented loh, I was really damn amazed by his skills. About 173 cm ba, not very tall, but his control and speed is totally madness loh.
One reason I really HATE it when people who lose to my team complain about my HEIGHT. It's like, please loh, if you really look at it properly, the difference between 170 and 180 is like, one head only loh. And 180 is NOT VERY TALL LOH. Wait till you see those 2m freaks.
And when I encounter those teams with distinct height disadvantage one, I will automatically start playing guard and not eat them loh. Play guard i.e. controlling the ball alot and not using height advantage. But they can still shamelessly shake their heads when I score and sigh "so tall..."
Okay so in conclusion, most ballers are okay loh. All sports have their black sheep one wad.

So long live bball!
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