just a blog

End of Rendezvous

This entry is abit late because I really couldn't find the time and effort to post man. But I'm really glad Rendezvous is over because I finally have no more commitements!

No more IFG!

No more Rendezvous!

Next few weeks are gonna be uber catch-up weeks. I have also returned ALL my library books in a resolve to work hard and spend as little on other stuff besides studies as usual. But I still need my usual breathers once in awhile, my weekly bball, a little pinch of comics and some time with my pals.

Anyway Rendezvous was great; not because of some spectacular organizational efforts, but because all of us worked together as a whole.


Resonance's singing was uber cool. The acapella damn spectacular. (Is that how you spell acapella) They had like 3 performances, the last one being the most impressive. A remix of all the chiong music we hear in clubs.

I admit I don't know how to appreciate Social and Ballroom dance ah, but I think their coordination was super power and I'm sure it takes gazillion years to learn their steps.

Of course, as usual, I loved the guitar performance! The rockers really rocked man. Electric guitars are damn cool.

I didn't get to watch much of the rest of the performances because I had to ferry people to and fro once in awhile.

After I drove the guitar people back to YIH the president was asking me if I was in any of the sub clubs. I said no ah, I'm from basketball and he nearly fainted. Maybe I should have mentioned I was in SWC as well? Ah whatever.

Anyway I haven't driven a manual car in like 9 months and the experience was damn exhilarating. I'm sure the people who sat in the van for the first trips must have had the RIDE OF THEIR LIVES.

Couldn't get used to it at the start ah.

There was one point of time I let bm try driving for fun and I forgot to ask her to switch back to neutral gear and pull the handbrake after her engine died.

So once I started the engine the van started to move! It was uber scary I tell you, and I thought I was gonna crash into something. Finally found the brakes at the last instance and stepped damn hard on it.

When I told my papa that I drove a van, he told me not to do it again cos it's he said if something happens I will get into deep trouble because it ain't exactly very legal -_-;;

Today's weekly bball session with the World's Saddest Team was very very shaggening ah. We played alot alot and I was really really tired out at the end of it.


I had the most expensive but powerful laksa yong tao fu I've had in my life till now. I was too tired to think so I just picked whatever came to my mind and when it was done I realized I picked 8 or 9 and it costed my $4.50.

But I felt it was worth it!

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