The carrot has finally fulfilled his promise and treated all of us to the much-anticipated feast at Yuki Yaki yesterday. He is now officially WST's club sponsor a.k.a Mr. Seventeen Hundred (his current income) or as previously mentioned, carrot (cai tau).
Anyway, there were pictures outside Yuki Yaki showing the yummy ice-cream that we could make.

But dunno why ours looked so spastic.

The Club Logo. The ice cream looks like mud though.

I put a waffle in the centre but Ivan says it looks damn ugly so we dissected it and sliced it off.
And it was such a feat that we managed to lift the whole bloody thing off the plate like that.

And just to side-track abit, the guy in the background is my BMT mate, who probably doesn't recognize me. (I recognize him purely because I used to dislike him hahahaha)
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