just a blog

Businessmen and the rest of the world.

Heard of the case about Fandhi Ahmad being sued by two people?

My dad was just telling me, one of those guys suing him is ALBERT. He's some guy with quite alot of dealings with my dad and I see him quite alot.

I was like, wah, Albert do until so "jue2" ah.

Then my dad was like, "what jue2, this is the way things are wad, you've gotta take responsibility for your own actions, that's the way it is." And he always seems to feel that his kids are not business savvy enough to take over his business.

But in my opinion, before a person becomes a businessman, the common instinct would be to consider sparing whoever you're dealing with, and resorting to suing only during dire consequences, right?

I think he should be more worried if his son reacts by saying "yeah baby, sue him sue him, sue him till he needs to pawn his toothbrush to buy toilet paper for the family!"

Still, I really don't think you need to be unscrpulous to be a successful business person. Sure you need to know how to fend yourself against these types of people, but you don't need to join in their league.

But then again, maybe I'm still too tender to comment.

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