just a blog

the disgrace.

the 2 wise sages were lecturing goodman on the way of life.

the wise sages got so sophisticatedly lor sor that goodman got extremely irritated and started spewing vulgarities.

bigbird: spewing vulgarities is not right...

kangkang: you have so many other alternatives, why must use dirty word leh...

bigbird: we are the pillars of society, we must behave with more class...

kangkang: you can say "atrocious!" or "ridiculous!" or if you can't think of anything to say just use the univeral "what?!"

bigbird: ya lo so you mustn't use dirty words...

apparently goodman finds this all very irritating and he gets all vexed because he explodes and says very loudly..

"chee bye na li shi dirty word!"

and the 2 wise sages look on in horror as a girl walks past us with brisk footsteps without daring to look at us and pretending she never heard anything... we proceed to beat the crap out of the idiotic goodman and the 3 of us ended up feeling damn ashamed of ourselves.

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