just a blog


reached home at like twelve from watching ivp basketball.

nus lost to ntu.

bm has a puppy at home!

i've been sleeping at 3 a.m. the past 2 nights because of dota.

i'm trying out juggernaut now because i'm kinda sick of playing lion all the time.

i actually studied in school on monday!

i still don't understand my lectures.

i have lab tomorrow.

i signed up for vacation internship.

the engineers are taking part in the trebuchet making competition!

saturday's the day.

what's a trebuchet? it's a medieval siege weapon, it functions like a catapult.

we're using it to fling water bombs at our professors. it's a competition.

first prize $1000!

but confirm lose.

gonna spend the next few days fabricating it.

i have a feeling we'll just embarrass ourselves.

aww screw it.

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