the entire purpose of this post is to push down the previous post because it's been perceived as too rou ma.
i am so democratic.
i am so democratic.
it's been like, three weeks.
to cut a long story short, we are getting along damn fine :)
yesterday i left the bottle at the canteen and nearly forgot about it.
i thought she was going to scream at me.
until she held up the bottle to her face and started scolding it.
i think she is slightly crazy.
but still...
in an effort to remain mysterious, here is a blurry picture of us at borders!
i have no idea how the effect turned out like this; it's like we're not even taking the pictures ourselves. but if you look carefully, i'm holding my phone.
damn, if i'm a celebrity, i'd ask borders to give me some monetary incentive for promoting it.
to cut a long story short, we are getting along damn fine :)
yesterday i left the bottle at the canteen and nearly forgot about it.
i thought she was going to scream at me.
until she held up the bottle to her face and started scolding it.
i think she is slightly crazy.
but still...
in an effort to remain mysterious, here is a blurry picture of us at borders!
i have no idea how the effect turned out like this; it's like we're not even taking the pictures ourselves. but if you look carefully, i'm holding my phone.
damn, if i'm a celebrity, i'd ask borders to give me some monetary incentive for promoting it.
the world's most boring couple chilling out at borders :)
once upon a time, in the peaceful island of cblc, there were two ancient protectors of the land, master kang and master cane, and they loved their homeland so much they will sacrifice their lives to protect it from harm.
master cane is extremely benevolent and protects cblc with his mighty sabre, which he carries around all the time.
alas, one day, disaster strikes, and master cane is possessed by demons!
he enters cblc, and threatens to destroy our mahjong table and tiles unless we surrendered all our pcs!!!
good shall reign over evil!!
master kang will never let this happen.
it pains his heart, but...
master cane must die.
master kang and master cane do battle for three days and three nights, and after much effort, the evil was finally subdued...
master cane...
is dead...
and from then on, master kane and master cane continue watching over cblc from the heavens...
and the villagers carry on living and slacking there, happily ever after...
alas, one day, disaster strikes, and master cane is possessed by demons!
good shall reign over evil!!
master kang will never let this happen.
it pains his heart, but...
master cane must die.
master kang and master cane do battle for three days and three nights, and after much effort, the evil was finally subdued...
is dead...
master kang screams to the stars in painful remorse at killing his old friend...
there can be only two protectors, or no protectors...
and so...
there can be only two protectors, or no protectors...
and so...
and from then on, master kane and master cane continue watching over cblc from the heavens...
and the villagers carry on living and slacking there, happily ever after...
******THE END******
my beloved laptop has been giving me so many problems that the it co op staff all know me very well by now and call me a "regular customer".
i've been reinstalling my programs so many times only to have the blue screen of death flash at me afterwards.
ta ma de.
today as i left acer for the umpteenth time, as we bid farewell, i said i wish i'll never see them again.
they told me once in awhile can bring them peanuts to eat.
they replaced hard disk for me twice.
so my previous one had a life span of exactly one day.
tomorrow i'm going to revisit my old friends again because the blue screen of death showed up again.
i've been reinstalling my programs so many times only to have the blue screen of death flash at me afterwards.
ta ma de.
today as i left acer for the umpteenth time, as we bid farewell, i said i wish i'll never see them again.
they told me once in awhile can bring them peanuts to eat.
they replaced hard disk for me twice.
so my previous one had a life span of exactly one day.
tomorrow i'm going to revisit my old friends again because the blue screen of death showed up again.
this is probably the one and only time in my life i will ever watch a competition like this.
mrs singapore is essentially miss singapore, er... "advanced."
rav4's boss is a participant, so i shall not elaborate.
one ticket costs fifty bloody bucks. but we had free tickets so it's just an eye opener for us.
ironically, the most interesting bits are the kids' performances.
i nearly died laughing when she flashed the signs.
then she left on that stupid-looking motor bike in the background.
it even has sirens.
in the end, every single participant gets awarded something. as a way to make women happy, as a way for them to relive their youths, a way to make them feel desirable and beautiful again (if they ever were), i think this event is wonderful.
they must indeed feel very happy at having won something, apparently oblivious to the fact that every single other person hasbloody won something too.
they have all sorts of awards.. mrs body beautiful.. mrs elegant...
etc etc; they must have spent considerable effort thinking them up.
i have a brilliant idea.
instead of wasting brain juice, just get a bloody thesaurus and start naming the awards "mrs beautiful", "mrs pretty", "mrs gorgeous", "mrs sexy", "mrs desirable", or whatever.
heck, they can have hundreds of awards. "mrs beautiful eyebrow", "mrs quite beautiful", "mrs sibeh beautiful", etc etc...
rav4 has very pretty colleagues. no wonder she didn't want to let me see them.
okay so basically we were typical raving fans and i played my part of blowing the whistle like a mad man while munching on my potato chips.
i must have been very loud and powerful because at the end of it all, rav4 told me she was half deaf in the left ear.
poor rav4.
as a 3rd party spectator, this event was really fun and interesting. but as i was telling rav4, if in future my wife is this kind of person, i will divorce her.
mrs singapore is essentially miss singapore, er... "advanced."
rav4's boss is a participant, so i shall not elaborate.
one ticket costs fifty bloody bucks. but we had free tickets so it's just an eye opener for us.
ironically, the most interesting bits are the kids' performances.
then she left on that stupid-looking motor bike in the background.
it even has sirens.
they must indeed feel very happy at having won something, apparently oblivious to the fact that every single other person has
they have all sorts of awards.. mrs body beautiful.. mrs elegant...
etc etc; they must have spent considerable effort thinking them up.
i have a brilliant idea.
instead of wasting brain juice, just get a bloody thesaurus and start naming the awards "mrs beautiful", "mrs pretty", "mrs gorgeous", "mrs sexy", "mrs desirable", or whatever.
heck, they can have hundreds of awards. "mrs beautiful eyebrow", "mrs quite beautiful", "mrs sibeh beautiful", etc etc...
rav4 has very pretty colleagues. no wonder she didn't want to let me see them.
okay so basically we were typical raving fans and i played my part of blowing the whistle like a mad man while munching on my potato chips.
i must have been very loud and powerful because at the end of it all, rav4 told me she was half deaf in the left ear.
poor rav4.
as a 3rd party spectator, this event was really fun and interesting. but as i was telling rav4, if in future my wife is this kind of person, i will divorce her.
today, let me teach you a lesson about life.
stick a plaster on your neck, no matter what kind of wound you have there.
if your friends are damn imaginative.
you have an undesirable reputation as it is.
that ling ling...
i never even had a chance to explain a thing.
she laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.
and laugh and laugh some more.
i patiently waited for her to stop.
and then offered my explanation.
which, on hindsight, sounds abit feeble.
so again, she laugh and laugh and laugh.
and laugh and laugh some more.
let me say it again.
they were caused by... satay sticks!! nabeh, now that i explain it myself, i think i sound stupid. we were eating satay at geylang, then rav4 saw this owner with an uber super duper cute and stupid-looking dog, so she excitedly swung her satay across my poor neck!
stop laughing!
and stop asking me why there are two plasters if it was one swing!
i don't know!! it just happened!!!
the evil ling ling even went so far as.. to take a picture of my neck... to post on her blog... and especially implemented a tagboard... to let everyone combine forces to humiliate me!!!
so this is what friends are for!!!!!!!
ling ling i hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stick a plaster on your neck, no matter what kind of wound you have there.
if your friends are damn imaginative.
you have an undesirable reputation as it is.
that ling ling...
i never even had a chance to explain a thing.
she laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.
and laugh and laugh some more.
i patiently waited for her to stop.
and then offered my explanation.
which, on hindsight, sounds abit feeble.
so again, she laugh and laugh and laugh.
and laugh and laugh some more.
let me say it again.
they were caused by... satay sticks!! nabeh, now that i explain it myself, i think i sound stupid. we were eating satay at geylang, then rav4 saw this owner with an uber super duper cute and stupid-looking dog, so she excitedly swung her satay across my poor neck!
stop laughing!
and stop asking me why there are two plasters if it was one swing!
i don't know!! it just happened!!!
the evil ling ling even went so far as.. to take a picture of my neck... to post on her blog... and especially implemented a tagboard... to let everyone combine forces to humiliate me!!!
so this is what friends are for!!!!!!!
ling ling i hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!