School is really starting soon
0 Comments Published by kang on Thursday, August 04, 2005 at 12:18 PM.

Went for a Math revision lecture today; and was totally lost. Okay, ALMOST totally lost. So cheem. Makes me wonder if I'm ready for Uni yet! But it's comforting to see that almost everyone was as blur as me. So perhaps it's actually NORMAL to be lost.
So this first sem I'd be taking 1)Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 2)Physics, 3) Maths, 4) Critical Thinking and Writing and 5) Making Sense of Society, got a grand modular credits total of 19. Well I hope I get used to school life soon enough.
CCAs wise I've decided to give it a shot, to try going for bball IVP... IVP means Inter Varsity and Polytechnics I think. Basically means playing for NUS, and it's gonna be damn frickin xiong if I do get in. Ah well.
Besides that I've joined IES: Institute of Engineering Singapore and iPlay@NUS: a LAN gaming club. Wanted to join guitar club too but dropped the idea after I decided to try for bball IVP.
NUS really has quite alot of eye candy~~ But contrary to popular belief that I am a big bad wolf, I AM NOT INTERESTED. It's good to see chio bus lah, budden in my current situation, I'd much rather be a funky nerd and focus on bball and studies etc. Okay sounds abit not me but that's exactly what I'm thinking.
So this first sem I'd be taking 1)Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 2)Physics, 3) Maths, 4) Critical Thinking and Writing and 5) Making Sense of Society, got a grand modular credits total of 19. Well I hope I get used to school life soon enough.
CCAs wise I've decided to give it a shot, to try going for bball IVP... IVP means Inter Varsity and Polytechnics I think. Basically means playing for NUS, and it's gonna be damn frickin xiong if I do get in. Ah well.
Besides that I've joined IES: Institute of Engineering Singapore and iPlay@NUS: a LAN gaming club. Wanted to join guitar club too but dropped the idea after I decided to try for bball IVP.
NUS really has quite alot of eye candy~~ But contrary to popular belief that I am a big bad wolf, I AM NOT INTERESTED. It's good to see chio bus lah, budden in my current situation, I'd much rather be a funky nerd and focus on bball and studies etc. Okay sounds abit not me but that's exactly what I'm thinking.
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