just a blog

A biZZare worLd

You get exhausted after a run and you sit down at your favorite spot by the pool-side where it's all quiet and serene and you wonder what realms you will be brought to as you voluntarily let go of control over your tired, dejected brain cells.

You look around your estate and you realize that after staying here for more than a decade, you don't know the exact number of blocks in here. You start counting and realize there are twelve of them.

You peep into the balconies that are still emitting light and you start to wonder what the residents are doing. Suddenly, a shadow flashes by in the balcony and you wonder what that shadow was thinking about in that instant.

Would he have guessed that he was being spied on by a 21 year old nut sitting by the pool?

The distant murmurs of Filipino maids leads you to wonder at the content of their cheerful conversations. They must be reminiscing about their homeland, their children, their old and dependent parents. In the same way, never in their wildest thoughts would they imagine that they, too, were being overheard by a 21 year old nut sitting by the pool.

You look into the apartment of your childhood sweetheart and wonder if she is still in the country. You imagine her reaction if your name is brought up before her again. A smile? Fond memories?

Or more realistically, you might already have been forgotten.

You conjure up a companion beside you, sitting quietly by your side and offering you a smoke. You are unable to create a face for this character but reckon it's alright as a lonely person cares not who his companion is.

Your vision turns to the security guard at his counter in the distance, looking over documents and arranging keys. You teleport into his soul and being and you complain and bitch about having to stay awake for the next couple of ungodly hours in a job that pays you peanuts.

You look around at the hundreds of cars in the estate and secretly envy the owners as you wish you could be in their shoes.

You miss your wife and children but you know you've got to do your job for their sake. You wonder how you're going to pass those hours, as you spot a 21 year old nut sitting by the pool in the distance and you wonder if you should ask him to go home.

But then again, residents here are extremely easily provoked and a complaint could easily cost you your job and you decide to mind your own business.

With a jolt, you find yourself back into your own body once more and you look around again.

Your troubles evaporate and you feel like a speck of dust in the universe, which you really are.

And suddenly, the world seems a better place.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

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