just a blog


Wow I'm very flattered that buang actually read my FD post haha.

But hey, I'm not saying that the FD is a bad thing, I'm just saying it is something that has a very real potential of killing any relationship.

It's bound to occur, and yeah I agree with you whole-heartedly that it's when you have differences to talk about that allows the relationship to grow.

I guess my point is that two people could be so remarkably alike in so many aspects and get along so well, and yet have a very large FD in between them.

And that's pretty interesting, I think.

Bm's in Taiwan now and I forgot the number to use to SMS her! Bm are u reading this? Send me your number again leh.

Okay maybe I should email you.

Our contract with the company has been AUTO-RENEWED! I kinda feel like slacking at home leh, somemore I got so many books I want to read!

Contract's supposed to end on the 16th, and it's already the 9th today, but Jo's gonna start interviewing perms only next week. Damn, we feel so exploited.

Next week May's not gonna be around for the whole week muahahaha Xunming the hua chi boi is gonna be oh-so love-sick.

Today morning the office felt so dangerously of explosives. Jo was scolding Gen for being late by 5 minutes. Then me, who was late by 15 minutes, sat at my table in fear but lucky she didn't come and scold me haha.

I think she knows she can't offend me and XM now also, cos if we quit now, she really jia lat jia lat.

But I made up the 15 minutes back to her by OTing 45 minutes so it's a fair deal.

More than fair, actually.

Unfair, in fact.

Even Shervenne lost temper today!

Damn funny. I mean, it's Shervenne!

She was on the phone with some bank person and was like,

"I'd call you when I recieve payment.

I'll call you.


Haha I think it was some irritating bugger.

One advantage of liking cars is that at least you won't get too bored on bus rides to work.

You just keep looking at cars.

And their drivers.

Today I saw this hot hot chick driving an E-Class with his dad by the side. Hot and rich!

Tomorrow I'm taking IPPT.

Ta ma de, damn sianz. Hope I get Silver.

Today my nose bled.

Must be lack of sleep.

Just as I was talking about not having bm's taiwan phone number, saw her on MSN.

Seems like she's having lots of fun, she better bring back her bg lots of presents.
Going to sleep liao.

Argh stupid IPPT.

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