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Frickin' Moralists.

I notice one thing losers like to say about governments goes something like, "wah lan eh, lim peh spends so much on taxes, to accept treatment like this?!" or another variation of farmers would be "pay so much taxes and government money for these scholars, and they tmd break bond?!"

I find this quite amusing because they really do sound as if sponsoring these scholars was their original intention.

Come on lah uncle, you pay taxes to make sure the IRA folks don't come knock on your door, and don't tell me you don't try and kng every single cent you can kng to not pay in taxes.

We are in the frickin' highest tax bracket and I don't hear my papa complaining.

And why they all like to comprain that MPs got oh so much pay and allowance and are paid to do nothing and they are just losers who were born with silver spoons in their mouth and have no clue how the normal everyday guy is suffering oh-so-tragically and MPs are money-suckers and are the dirt of the earth.

They speak from such moral high grounds that, if given a choice, of course, they would choose to be freedom fighters and defend the world from invading aliens for free!

Reality check. Let me ask you. If you were so capable that the government deems you suitable for a position that pays you $100,000 per month, would you take up the job?

Would you?

Would you?

No need to answer.

I rest my case.

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