me and zhizhi were studiously mugging in the library when we suddenly heard one very loud "plark!!!!" behind us.
i thought it was some inconsiderate fucker who just slammed his laptop charger into the wall plug but when i turned around...
the tense air of studiousness in the library must have caused the glass to commit suicide.
and this picture is just to show off the picture quality of my beloved phone.
i think this picture looks devillish. the glass plane suddenly looks like some portal you could step right through and enter some third dimension or something.
i thought it was some inconsiderate fucker who just slammed his laptop charger into the wall plug but when i turned around...

oh ya, then this girl walked past and didn't know what was going on at first.. when she did she just shrieked and exclaimed "wah! so cooooool!" and i immediately concluded that she's from arts.
okay neh mind.
okay neh mind.
the 2 wise sages were lecturing goodman on the way of life.
the wise sages got so sophisticatedly lor sor that goodman got extremely irritated and started spewing vulgarities.
bigbird: spewing vulgarities is not right...
kangkang: you have so many other alternatives, why must use dirty word leh...
bigbird: we are the pillars of society, we must behave with more class...
kangkang: you can say "atrocious!" or "ridiculous!" or if you can't think of anything to say just use the univeral "what?!"
bigbird: ya lo so you mustn't use dirty words...
apparently goodman finds this all very irritating and he gets all vexed because he explodes and says very loudly..
"chee bye na li shi dirty word!"
and the 2 wise sages look on in horror as a girl walks past us with brisk footsteps without daring to look at us and pretending she never heard anything... we proceed to beat the crap out of the idiotic goodman and the 3 of us ended up feeling damn ashamed of ourselves.
the wise sages got so sophisticatedly lor sor that goodman got extremely irritated and started spewing vulgarities.
bigbird: spewing vulgarities is not right...
kangkang: you have so many other alternatives, why must use dirty word leh...
bigbird: we are the pillars of society, we must behave with more class...
kangkang: you can say "atrocious!" or "ridiculous!" or if you can't think of anything to say just use the univeral "what?!"
bigbird: ya lo so you mustn't use dirty words...
apparently goodman finds this all very irritating and he gets all vexed because he explodes and says very loudly..
"chee bye na li shi dirty word!"
and the 2 wise sages look on in horror as a girl walks past us with brisk footsteps without daring to look at us and pretending she never heard anything... we proceed to beat the crap out of the idiotic goodman and the 3 of us ended up feeling damn ashamed of ourselves.
me and chevy and like2smell went to visit goodman at his newfound home at old kent ridge for a hearty round of house-warming.
we ended up scaring the hell out of him by suggesting spooky stuff that could happen at night and told him not to be surprised to see dolls with broken heads when he opens his drawers.
trying to act high-class and studious, we decided to head to the music library at ucc to study afterwards. never been there before and want to try a change of atmosphere.
and who knows, we might even catch a glimpse of sophisticated nerdy girls.
and so, we leave da room and proceed on with gutso, with great plans to finally catch up with our tutorials.
lo and behold, fast forward 30 minutes later...
goodman was at the chinese library being lovey dovey with his gf.
like2smell was blissfully wrapped in his jacket and sound asleep.
chevy committed suicide and decided to start watching bleach.
and yours sincerely was engaged in a furious battle of dota, still trying to attain gosu-dom and trying to beat 5 insane coms.
we ended up scaring the hell out of him by suggesting spooky stuff that could happen at night and told him not to be surprised to see dolls with broken heads when he opens his drawers.
trying to act high-class and studious, we decided to head to the music library at ucc to study afterwards. never been there before and want to try a change of atmosphere.
and who knows, we might even catch a glimpse of sophisticated nerdy girls.
and so, we leave da room and proceed on with gutso, with great plans to finally catch up with our tutorials.
lo and behold, fast forward 30 minutes later...
goodman was at the chinese library being lovey dovey with his gf.
like2smell was blissfully wrapped in his jacket and sound asleep.
chevy committed suicide and decided to start watching bleach.
and yours sincerely was engaged in a furious battle of dota, still trying to attain gosu-dom and trying to beat 5 insane coms.
like2smell: hey, you heard of the single man workshop?
me: no what's that.
like2smell: teaches you how to be more attractive to the opposite sex.
me: wtf.
like2smell: want to go?
me: wtf?! why u want to go for this kind of thing?!
like2smell: chevy going leh. my friend also jio me. go lah.
me: sounds damn loser leh u sure u wanna go?!
like2smell: aiyah we're all single men wad.
me: i'm not unwanted!
like2smell: go lah.
me: no.
like2smell: go lah.
me: no!
me: no what's that.
like2smell: teaches you how to be more attractive to the opposite sex.
me: wtf.
like2smell: want to go?
me: wtf?! why u want to go for this kind of thing?!
like2smell: chevy going leh. my friend also jio me. go lah.
me: sounds damn loser leh u sure u wanna go?!
like2smell: aiyah we're all single men wad.
me: i'm not unwanted!
like2smell: go lah.
me: no.
like2smell: go lah.
me: no!
*vibrate vibrate*
*alarm alarm*
*vibrate vibrate*
*alarm alarm*
*vibrate vibrate*
*alarm alarm*
*vibrate vibrate*
*alarm alarm*
*happily brushing my teeth and lazy to turn off the alarm*
*vibrate vibrate*
*alarm alarm*
*vibrate vibrate*
*alarm alarm*
moral of the story: do not leave your phone at edges when it's in vibration mode.
*alarm alarm*
*vibrate vibrate*
*alarm alarm*
*vibrate vibrate*
*alarm alarm*
*vibrate vibrate*
*alarm alarm*
*happily brushing my teeth and lazy to turn off the alarm*
*vibrate vibrate*
*alarm alarm*
*vibrate vibrate*
*alarm alarm*
moral of the story: do not leave your phone at edges when it's in vibration mode.
they always have book sales at the forum but today's the first time they have books that catch my eye.
2 by lee iacocca, 1 by zig ziglar, 1 by mario puzo.
it's 2.04 a.m. and i'm still doing lab report.
i shouldn't have dota-ed just now.
2 by lee iacocca, 1 by zig ziglar, 1 by mario puzo.
it's 2.04 a.m. and i'm still doing lab report.
i shouldn't have dota-ed just now.
reached home at like twelve from watching ivp basketball.
nus lost to ntu.
bm has a puppy at home!
i've been sleeping at 3 a.m. the past 2 nights because of dota.
i'm trying out juggernaut now because i'm kinda sick of playing lion all the time.
i actually studied in school on monday!
i still don't understand my lectures.
i have lab tomorrow.
i signed up for vacation internship.
the engineers are taking part in the trebuchet making competition!
saturday's the day.
what's a trebuchet? it's a medieval siege weapon, it functions like a catapult.
we're using it to fling water bombs at our professors. it's a competition.
first prize $1000!
but confirm lose.
gonna spend the next few days fabricating it.
i have a feeling we'll just embarrass ourselves.
aww screw it.
nus lost to ntu.
bm has a puppy at home!
i've been sleeping at 3 a.m. the past 2 nights because of dota.
i'm trying out juggernaut now because i'm kinda sick of playing lion all the time.
i actually studied in school on monday!
i still don't understand my lectures.
i have lab tomorrow.
i signed up for vacation internship.
the engineers are taking part in the trebuchet making competition!
saturday's the day.
what's a trebuchet? it's a medieval siege weapon, it functions like a catapult.
we're using it to fling water bombs at our professors. it's a competition.
first prize $1000!
but confirm lose.
gonna spend the next few days fabricating it.
i have a feeling we'll just embarrass ourselves.
aww screw it.
mom should be very proud of herself.
because she was able to subdue her two 1.8m boys into sitting down at the kitchen table to help her peel and cut potatoes and cucumbers and sweet corns.
i love to eat salad.
because she was able to subdue her two 1.8m boys into sitting down at the kitchen table to help her peel and cut potatoes and cucumbers and sweet corns.
i love to eat salad.
i read this book "the introvert advantage" during the holidays.
the later part was quite technical and full of voodoo language but some parts were quite layman and i was quite surprised by some of the findings presented in the book.
i've always thought i was some cross-breed between an introvert and an extrovert.
now i know.
i'm a super-duper, true blue hardcore introvert!
but then that's by the real definition of introversion in psychological terms. precise, definite, definitions.
and not the layman version, in which introversion is just being anti-social and stupid and can't talk.
i was quite amazed when i was going through the checklist that determines whether you are an introvert or extrovert. because some of the characteristics can't be taken at face value. they're subtle indications of your natural tendencies which really goes to show what you're really like; what goes on behind your actions and outward characteristics.
for example..
1) eat slowly. (i do)
2) write okay.. but are inproportionately inarticulate at gunpoint. (which is probably one reason why i always get that uncanny look of disbelief when people find out my gp grades; i suck at narrating, explaining and teaching stuff on the spot)
some tidbits..
1) there are 3 extroverts to every 1 introvert in this world.
2) introverts are much more analytical.
3) introverts are not anti-social.
4) extroverts are accepted as socially superior.
5) introverts and extroverts can get along very well.
i'm quite a blatant introvert. in the past i had the tendency to fear being a social misfit and hence slightly altered my behaviour to resemble that of a typical extrovert.
i've grown to realize that that is totally uncalled for and nowadays i just don't give a damn. forcing urself to do things you don't like just to look "nice" is just, well, pointless.
to me at least.
and i'm not saying this to sound like a hao mai and uncaring man in the wind either.
i am sibeh diplomatic. but being diplomatic is a whole ball game altogether..
i have seen top management people from student societies who have lousy social skills, lousy competence, his "subordinates" hate them, and yet act as if they are big fucks just because they hold high positions.
maybe this is where my mild anti-council sentiments stem from.
if they'd just wake up their idea and realize that enthusiasm and some luck would bring you quite far as far as student societies are concerned..
if they've been through n.s. they'll probably also see that there are many cases of corporals being better at doing things than officers. but that's a story for another day.
and maybe lo and behold, i'll be labelled being "sour grapes."
to that i'll probably just laugh.
i think extroverts despise introverts. which is dumb, because it's not as if introverts look up to extroverts.
we're just different.
the later part was quite technical and full of voodoo language but some parts were quite layman and i was quite surprised by some of the findings presented in the book.
i've always thought i was some cross-breed between an introvert and an extrovert.
now i know.
i'm a super-duper, true blue hardcore introvert!
but then that's by the real definition of introversion in psychological terms. precise, definite, definitions.
and not the layman version, in which introversion is just being anti-social and stupid and can't talk.
i was quite amazed when i was going through the checklist that determines whether you are an introvert or extrovert. because some of the characteristics can't be taken at face value. they're subtle indications of your natural tendencies which really goes to show what you're really like; what goes on behind your actions and outward characteristics.
for example..
1) eat slowly. (i do)
2) write okay.. but are inproportionately inarticulate at gunpoint. (which is probably one reason why i always get that uncanny look of disbelief when people find out my gp grades; i suck at narrating, explaining and teaching stuff on the spot)
some tidbits..
1) there are 3 extroverts to every 1 introvert in this world.
2) introverts are much more analytical.
3) introverts are not anti-social.
4) extroverts are accepted as socially superior.
5) introverts and extroverts can get along very well.
i'm quite a blatant introvert. in the past i had the tendency to fear being a social misfit and hence slightly altered my behaviour to resemble that of a typical extrovert.
i've grown to realize that that is totally uncalled for and nowadays i just don't give a damn. forcing urself to do things you don't like just to look "nice" is just, well, pointless.
to me at least.
and i'm not saying this to sound like a hao mai and uncaring man in the wind either.
i am sibeh diplomatic. but being diplomatic is a whole ball game altogether..
i have seen top management people from student societies who have lousy social skills, lousy competence, his "subordinates" hate them, and yet act as if they are big fucks just because they hold high positions.
maybe this is where my mild anti-council sentiments stem from.
if they'd just wake up their idea and realize that enthusiasm and some luck would bring you quite far as far as student societies are concerned..
if they've been through n.s. they'll probably also see that there are many cases of corporals being better at doing things than officers. but that's a story for another day.
and maybe lo and behold, i'll be labelled being "sour grapes."
to that i'll probably just laugh.
i think extroverts despise introverts. which is dumb, because it's not as if introverts look up to extroverts.
we're just different.
today is a special day.
a very very special one.
it is...
two days after my precious biao mei turned into an adult!
why is two days after the big day more important than the big day itself?
it's not.
i just decided to write today. buahaha.
actually, i also don't know what to say.
because saying happy birthday is downright dumb. not only because today is not her birthday, but because i've wished her happy birthday so many times she refuses to respond to me anymore.
she is a biao mei, a best friend, my buddy.
but we are also very largely responsible for each other's unfortunate singlehood up till now.
because so many people think we're a couple instead of cousins. so nobody dares to woo my biao mei, because they think they have a strong rival to beat i.e. limpeh.
at least, that's what i like to think.
and we are both so stylo milo that we don't really give a damn what other people think anymore.
sadly, we do not go through joy and sorrow together. because she only knows how to suan me.
very successfully.
her biao ge has ended up having a serious case of inferiority complex.
to her, he is:
1) scrawny.
2) lor sor.
3) old-fashioned.
4) zero dress sense.
5) stingy.
6) old.
7) indecisive.
8) anti-social.
9) weird.
10) unwanted.
that is just the short list.
i swear i listed all 10 of them without so much as thinking more than 1.5 seconds. that shows how much more i could come up with, if i wanted to.
i think she will scold me upon reading this.
isn't the primary objective of this post, a dedication to her, a glorification of her past deeds, a blatant showcase of her talents and virtues?
alas, sorry biao mei.
you have a sour and un-nice biao ge.
i have accidentally and totally turned this into a horribly pointless post.
it's a wonder how i always start an entry intending to, for example, demonstrate how to eat bananas, and end up talking about how charles darwin came up with the theory of evolution, i.e. totally go out of point.
i always sound semi-drunk.
and here i'm talking about how i always go off-topic when this is supposed to be her post.
sorry biao mei.
you're still my precious biao mei.
congratulations on being a 大人 at last.
hope you 学业进步,事事如意,快高长大!
i can totally visualize the peeved and what-the-hell expression on your face right now, but still..
happy belated 21st birthday!
a very very special one.
it is...
two days after my precious biao mei turned into an adult!
why is two days after the big day more important than the big day itself?
it's not.
i just decided to write today. buahaha.
actually, i also don't know what to say.
because saying happy birthday is downright dumb. not only because today is not her birthday, but because i've wished her happy birthday so many times she refuses to respond to me anymore.
she is a biao mei, a best friend, my buddy.
but we are also very largely responsible for each other's unfortunate singlehood up till now.
because so many people think we're a couple instead of cousins. so nobody dares to woo my biao mei, because they think they have a strong rival to beat i.e. limpeh.
at least, that's what i like to think.
and we are both so stylo milo that we don't really give a damn what other people think anymore.
sadly, we do not go through joy and sorrow together. because she only knows how to suan me.
very successfully.
her biao ge has ended up having a serious case of inferiority complex.
to her, he is:
1) scrawny.
2) lor sor.
3) old-fashioned.
4) zero dress sense.
5) stingy.
6) old.
7) indecisive.
8) anti-social.
9) weird.
10) unwanted.
that is just the short list.
i swear i listed all 10 of them without so much as thinking more than 1.5 seconds. that shows how much more i could come up with, if i wanted to.
i think she will scold me upon reading this.
isn't the primary objective of this post, a dedication to her, a glorification of her past deeds, a blatant showcase of her talents and virtues?
alas, sorry biao mei.
you have a sour and un-nice biao ge.
i have accidentally and totally turned this into a horribly pointless post.
it's a wonder how i always start an entry intending to, for example, demonstrate how to eat bananas, and end up talking about how charles darwin came up with the theory of evolution, i.e. totally go out of point.
i always sound semi-drunk.
and here i'm talking about how i always go off-topic when this is supposed to be her post.
sorry biao mei.
you're still my precious biao mei.
congratulations on being a 大人 at last.
hope you 学业进步,事事如意,快高长大!
i can totally visualize the peeved and what-the-hell expression on your face right now, but still..
happy belated 21st birthday!
-from the best biao ge in the world
mine is black, bm's is white.
and no, i did not copy her. i would have bought it anyway! but it's rather cool that biao ge and biao mei have the same phone.
and this is even more cool.
mum was being philosophical with me about life in general.
mum: so much money, for what?
me: wah.
mum: ya. money is paper until you spend it.
me: then u help me pay for my phone lo.
mum: .....
me: *puts on my most adorable little boy smile*
mum: how much?
and the rest is history.
i love my mum.
i love my phone too.
it has everything i want. if it doesn't like explode or go lost (amitabha) i'll just use it for at least 2 years.
2 mega pixels camera. 1 gb of space. mp3s and fm functions. super smooth sms capabilities, no lag.
i don't ask for much.
but my v3 was really too laggy. and while i was lamenting about it to bm that day, i took it out and realized it shut off by itself.
damn eerie.
anyway yay.
i love my w810i.
before anything else, allow me to introduce you to my favorite super-duper cute little biao mei, kai xin!
it's my biao jie's wedding. it was quite fairy-talish in my opinion. the groom was rich, the bride was gorgeous.
both highly educated individuals, and they've been dating for ten long years. and they got married on their tenth anniversary.
tenth anniversary! that is so wow.

we're all damn old now. all the babies suddenly knew how to walk. and suddenly i was an uncle. and even kai xin is an auntie too.
it was hands-down, the most emo wedding i've ever been to. the first time i eevr saw tears. i think it was a dream come true for the bride and da groom. it's really very hard for a couple to have 10 long years together and still be so loving and sweet.
and weddings give relatives the perfect opportunity to bombard me about "when's my turn".
wait lah wait, find girlfriend first.
which brings me to think about how bad a boyfriend i would actually make.
they've been together for only a few weeks i think, and she's already had happy posts about both of them together. we've been together for years and i never got mentioned in her blog ever.
lol. but she looks happy. and that's all that matters i guess.
i'm getting out of point. and incoherent.
so forgive me.
it was hands-down, the most emo wedding i've ever been to. the first time i eevr saw tears. i think it was a dream come true for the bride and da groom. it's really very hard for a couple to have 10 long years together and still be so loving and sweet.
and weddings give relatives the perfect opportunity to bombard me about "when's my turn".
wait lah wait, find girlfriend first.
which brings me to think about how bad a boyfriend i would actually make.
they've been together for only a few weeks i think, and she's already had happy posts about both of them together. we've been together for years and i never got mentioned in her blog ever.
lol. but she looks happy. and that's all that matters i guess.
i'm getting out of point. and incoherent.
so forgive me.