just a blog

the holidays.

this post is kinda long overdue.

school has started for one week already, and my post pusher is having a hard time pushing any further.

and when you don't update your blog for damn long, you kinda dunno where to start from all of a sudden??

and sometimes in the middle of the night, like now, at 2.34 a.m., you come up with a sudden flash on inspiration, go type in www2.blogger.com into your browser and commit suicide.

the past holiday was monumental.

1. i bought my first book from borders! used biaomei's borders voucher though. the first book in many to come.
2. i didn't work throughout the entire three months! cool balls. all i did to earn money was with my writing stuff. which leads me to the next point.
3. i actually made money by writing! if anyone told me this when i was in secondary school and hated books i'd probably have sent him to woodbridge. but yeah. life is unpredictable.
4. matric fair is over! more about it in the next post.
5. on a sad note, "things will probably never be the same anymore." but nevermind.
6. it would be interesting to compile a list of all the books i've read; probably like 30.
7. i kinda can't think anymore. but of course, the most significant thing was getting a car i.e. rav4.

almost the entire second half of the holidays was spent with rav4.

sometimes i think that the worst thing about getting attached is that you tend to waste away time by the tons, but you simply simply cannot help it.

even worse, the process of wasting time is addictive.

die lah, like that.

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