just a blog

Write yourself a check

Around 1990, when Jim Carrey was a struggling young Canadian comic trying to make his way in Los Angeles, he drove his old Toyota up to Mulholland Drive. While sitting there looking at the city below and dreaming of his future, he wrote himself a check for $10 million, dated it Thanksgiving 1995, added the notation "for acting servcies rendered," and carried it in his wallet fmro that day forth.

The rest, as they say, is history. Carrey's optimism and tenacity finally paid off, and by 1995, after the huge box office success of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask, and Dumb & Dumber, his asking price had risen to $20 million per picture.

When Carrey's father died in 1994, he placed the $10 million chekc into his father's coffin as a tribute to a man who had both started and nurtured his dreams of being a star.

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