just a blog

Money money come?

For quite some time now, I've been exploring the options of earning money through the internet with my brother and 2 other friends, Kevin and David.

We seem to have arrived at a breakthrough stage~ We just made about 200 USD last night :) This amount will be split between the three of us though. Heh, but I think we're homing in onto some good stuff :)

Still kind of in the beta stages, but basically it's like betting on how the market trend goes. Kevin's from Germany. He studies probability and is quite well-versed in the field of foreign exchange markets as well.

David's the technical guy; he's in charge of coming up with a software that actually gives out signals to tell us when to place the bet on which currency goes up or down. Haha, sounds abit complicated, but it's pretty easy to understand once you get into it.

As for me, I'm primarily the marketer of the program~ Will promote this stuff in forums, e-zines, PPC means and traffic-generating-sites. As I said, still in the beta stages~ But we all are USING the system right now, and it's really working like a charm.

Ah well, I really hope this goes well. If it does, I'd have a steady stream of income coming in when school starts!

*Crosses fingers*

1 Responses to “Money money come?”

  1. # Blogger Elestric84

    wa lau got lobang bo jio..
    dun forget me if your system really work i can be your investor.. Anyway i know of the jim carrey cheque story and i wrote one to myself too.. Hope it be realised haha..  

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