just a blog


No I'm not going to talk about Einstein's theory lah, where got so cheem, this is ah beng blog.

I was just thinking about how mundane some things could actually seem like when viewed at within the bigger picture.

Like, I could sit here using my laptop and cursing and swearing at low connection speed while people in backward countries worry to death about their family trying to make a living in some other developed country and has no means to get back to their family.

Like, I could complain about my chicken chop not being well-cooked enough while my counterparts in Cambodia are dying to hunger by the hundreds every single day.

So the point is, be content with what you have, cos so many people are working so hard and suffering so much and we are actually very fortunate.

The fact that you are reading a friggin blog now and I am writing a friggin blog now means that we both are damn fortunate!

Hmm. This principle could be applied to human relationships as well, I guess.

Like, you were someone's boyfriend for so many years. You think you're so indispensible, so don't-have-will-die. One day you break up with her and you suddenly realize she's really living just as well and she has her own friends too and she doesn't give two hoots whether you're missing her or thinking about her!

Well I guess if you apply the relativity principle again you could say that people are dying of famine and disease in some country and here you are feeling damn sad about a past relationship!

How can?!

But still, above all principles and logic is this ultimate killer called emotions. You could tell yourself a billion times that it's all meant to be and time heals all wounds and she happy you happy and all that stuff but ultimately, if you're SAD, you're SAD!!

No matter what words you use to "soothe your soul" or what, it still boils down to this simple law!


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