just a blog

Poor Kanger

Few days ago I mentioned I was abit sick. I also said it became abit worse after I went to play bball.

Well, yesterday, after half a day of lethargy, mum forced me to take my temperature with this thermometer I got from army. The tempertature increased at a rate of 2 every 2 seconds, from about 25 degrees celsius all the way to 38.4 degrees.


I know that the following statement is going to cause a severe heartache to all my previous Science and Biology teachers, but I momentarily forgot the normal temperature for a normal human being. Forgot whether it was supposed to be 36 plus or 37 plus.

So I quickly messaged bm to ask her. According to her, more than 37 means fever. So I was like, 'then what does 38.4 mean? High fever??'

I was thinking there could be a problem with the thermometer since I haven't like used it ever before. But even if it ain't fever, it definitely IS fever; even a lousy thermometer has SOME form of credibility, even if it's from an unreliable source from SAF?

So off we went to see the doctor, me and mum. Something happened that made me realize how different two peoples' perception of a situation could be.

We were crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing when the green man turned red and we were only about three quarters way through. I quickly walked across and to my slight horror, mum was still strolling along so I was like 'eh! kuai dian! hong ren liao!'

She gave me the so-what look and said "You cross first so I cross wad."

Me: Budden red man liao! So must faster cross!

She: Aiyah, this kind of thing I know one lah, red man so what, we already cross halfway, sure must cross finish wad.

Me: Budden the drivers are waiting to move off! At least walk faster ma. When I drive I see people cross road like this very pissed off one leh.

She: Haiyah, you people are too law-by-law liao lah.

Me: WTF?!?

So we proceeded to the clinic. I must say sorry to the SAF thermometer that I insulted just now. It was fairly accurate cos the doctor took my temperature to be a whooping 38.6 degrees~ I even need a double dosage of fever medicine cos my temperature too high.

Soon after I realized my eyes were SWOLLEN. My eyes already quite small, so with the additional lump to add salt to the wound, I worried for my vision.

Met bm in school today to pass her her comics and to have lunch together. Well that was the original plan but I realized I had no appetitie so I didn't eat.

Bm must be the most sympathetic person in the world.

Bm: Bg, why you squinting your eyes?

Me: .... Wah lau eh you think I want ah?

Bm: Eyes so small liao still squint.

Me: Swollen leh, neh, see? (Shows her my eyes and waits for words of consolation)

Bm: Orh.. Hahaha, 很 难 看 。

Me: WTF?!

But guess I'm alright now, cos I'm in the mood to type such a long and nonsensical at like 1.16 a.m. in the morning.

Tomorrow's another holiday. I must work extra hard to make up for the time lost yesterday man. What a unhappening waste of time. At least if I wasted the day playing I'd have been happier :(

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