just a blog

Office boy.

Work is so tiring. I thought data entry is brain-dead keying all the way? How come this one must plan and manage and figure out stuff and teach people stuff one?! Somemore I was told that some time later I'd need to write a MANUAL for newer people coming in?!

Why me?! Too capable lah hai. *Shakes head*

No wonder $8 per hour. Okay lah good pay can't complain.

Nevermind lah got eye candy sitting beside me. So ke ai, whole day eating strawberry Riccolas and got that perpetual shy smile and half-blur glaze on her face. Somemore got manager from other department come and tiao2 xi4 limpeh wah kao, never die before, one day I choot power scare die her.

Left office at six twenty and proceeded to chiong to meet xyz and the double lings for Da Vinci Code supposed to start at six twenty five, only to see that it was raining! Murphy's law at work as always.

And anyway, I think The Da Vinci Code sucks! Maybe cos I read the book. And the book was too good.

I mean, in the book, at least saying Sophie Neveau is Jesus's descendant sounds earth-shattering and unbelievable, but yet still has that "non-fiction" sense of discovery in your mind. But in the movie, saying that Audrey Tautou is Jesus's descendant is laughable at best, but actually downright ridiculous lah!

And if you're not at least somehow interested in medieval/religious history, you don't really give a fiddler's fart how the Knights Templar protect Mary Magdalene and the significance of the chalice and other surreal stuff.

Ran into Ivan who said he wants to watch Da Vinci Code but very sad cannot get the tix and my first reaction was to wince and say "wah lucky you, don't watch!"

Dinner at Manhattan really confirmed my doubts that I am going to die. Okay correction, I never had doubts that I was going to die. It just made me goddamn sure that there is something wrong with me.

My appetitie is really embarrassingly small nowadays. What happened?! Cham liao. It's not as simple as the end of puberty. I'm getting abnormal. And I get giddy out of the blue at times. Cham liao. Wonder if it's my chronic lack of sleep or irregular meals which always consist of rubbish food. Or lack of exercise? Cham liao.

How come bu4 zhi1 bu4 jue2 de, this post became so long?!

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