just a blog

An Unexpected Bomb.

WW just sent me a message on MSN saying that results are out...

And I went to check...


Worse than last semester?!?!?!?!!?!?


I hope this is a false alarm.

NUS just wants to punish us for being smart alecks so fast go and check.


I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.
I hope this is fake.

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