just a blog

Why do people hate Xiaxue?

I was reading xiaxue's blog again.

Her posts never fail to entertain me.

And it really intrigues me why some people hate her so much. Reasons vary, but the more common ones are that she's ugly and she's a bitch and she's materialistic.

I mean, hello?? We're just reading her blog for entertainment's sake, we're not gonna take her as a wife, so why should we give a flying fuck what her character is like, as long as she's not like, a child murderer, a serial killer, or *GASP* a female rapist?

And regarding her looks. I think she looks okay wad! Definitely not the chioest person in the universe, but she also doesn't claim to be wad. And she doesn't like, look like a durian or rambutan or mangosteen or jackfruit... Then what's the problem? (Well even if she does, I don't think it's an issue)

She thinks she's very chio? Think then think lor. In my opinion, most girls secretly think that they are chio one lor. Just that XX voices it out sometimes. And sometimes I think she does that just to silence her critics.

The funniest negative comment I saw on her blog was, hahaha, you know what?

"XX your English sucks."

Hahaha! What kind of stupid comment was that? Just because she adds in hokkien and cheena and vulgarities doesn't mean her English sucks wad. I do that all the time too. Does my English suck too? :(

Does mixing a few "fucks" and "wah laus" and "lors" and "lahs" and "lehs" mean your command of the language is inferior?

Eh look, I am not a xiaxue fan okay! I don't think you can claim to be a fan when you know nuts about the "idol" involved except her name, her blog URL, and that thousands of people visit her blog everyday.

I just don't see why people hate each other due to tons of intangible and nonsense reasons.

World peace!

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